Feng Shui 2022: lucky colors and decoration that harmonizes

In the year of the Tiger, the design of spaces is a great ally of well-being. Colors, materials, and the place are the ideal keys to feng shui. We tell you the news of Feng Shui 2022 to spend the year of the Tiger with very good vibes.

In the year of the Tiger, the design of spaces is a great ally of well-being. Colors, materials, and the place are the ideal keys to feng shui. We tell you the news of Feng Shui 2022 to spend the year of the Tiger with very good vibes.

In terms of decoration and colors, there is a great variety of styles, trends, and even philosophies that associate the design of spaces with well-being, pleasure, and positive emotionality.

It is in this look at the decoration and organization of space that Feng Shui takes center stage with proposals that go beyond the arrangement of furniture and objects to think of environments from much more comprehensive and holistic places.

We tell you what are the lucky colors of Feng Shui 2022 for the year of the Water Tiger, according to the precepts of the Chinese horoscope and the 5 elements.

Feng Shui: decoration and energy for 2022

Feng Shui is an ancient oriental philosophy whose main objective is to seek perfect harmony in each home environment, combining furniture, objects, and colors based on its five essential elements: Earth, Water, Wood, Metal, and fire.

By arranging these elements in the recommended way, you can achieve the well-being and general harmony that is so necessary in times of pandemic and a lot of stress.

What is Feng Shui: keys to 2022

Although many have heard of Feng Shui, there is often confusion about its meaning because there are as many definitions as there are specialists. Is it an art, a philosophy, or a science? Is it an interior design technique? Is it esoteric? Is it used to cleanse the house of bad energies and attract good luck? There are many questions and many answers.

To begin to clarify them, according to connoisseurs, the best definition of what Feng Shui is is as follows: it is “the art of ‘assessing’ the quality of life through observation and analysis of the environment that surrounds people.”

Origin of Feng Shui

Originally from China and with more than 4,000 years of history, Feng Shui has adapted to modern life and today proposes to harmonize interior design with the outside world and architecture, promoting harmony and balance between the environment and everything that surrounds it. surrounds.

This practice, applied to decoration, teaches how to turn negatives into positives by managing order, colors, and materials in a very particular way.

According to this philosophy, everything in the world is connected by a flow of energy, called Chi, which must not be interrupted or hindered. The goal is for this force to flow through the integration of Yin and Yang.

Feng Shui is the art of ‘assessing’ the quality of life by observing and analyzing the environment that surrounds people.

Feng Shui Trends 2022

For the Orientals, Feng Shui is a discipline that is taken very seriously and with very rigid patterns. But, in the West, this practice is more adapted to the uses and customs of each country, but each year the trends are renewed.

2022 is the year of the Water Tiger. Therefore, to achieve better harmony in the home you can take into account the following recommendations.

Lucky colors 2022 according to Feng Shui

Associated with both the Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth elements as well as the Yang polarity of the Year of the Tiger, the lucky colors for 2022 are aqua mint green and cerulean blue. In second place will be fiery red and intense yellow, close to gold. It is the imperial color.

According to Feng Shui 2022, these are the powerful colors of the year, indicated to attract fortune and enhance the luck of those who wear them

Trends 2022 Feng Shui decoration

We tell you what the experts on the subject recommend:

  • Placing some paintings in the bedroom with the Earth element is one of the basic tips to achieve better rest. They can be drawings or paintings of mountains, deserts, fields, flowers, plants, etc.
  • To attract and stabilize the energy, it is recommended to place objects that are related to this element, such as vases, pots, or jewelry boxes made of clay, earthenware, or rustic ceramics.
  • Another option is to place the photos in picture frames that are made of wood.

When it comes to shapes, Feng Shui suggests placing cubic, square or rectangular shapes on both objects and furniture. It is the best way to harmonize and enhance good vibes.

The colors of Feng Shui in 2022

As for the shades that can positively influence the new year, Feng Shui, which begins its new year according to Chinese philosophy on February 1, 2022, advises adding colors and elements that are related to the element that governs the year.

As it is the year of the Ox or Metal Ox, the colors that will best make the beneficial energies flow are gray, silver, and white. These are invigorating and energizing colors.

In turn, as the Earth element is closely linked to the Buffalo, you should also add the colors brown, yellow, and other, which are perfect for harmonizing environments.

The Water element is also present in 2022  in a secondary way, but not less important than that. Mixing colors such as blue, light blue, and green is ideal to access spaces that provide serenity, peace, and tranquility that are so necessary at certain times of the day.

The colors that will represent the year 2022 of the Metal Ox are white, gray, and silver.

To attract luck in an “Earth year”, the colors that Feng Shui recommends are brown, bright yellow, beige, brown, orange, and earthy tones of sand. And the colors that will provide balance and protection this coming 2021 will be green and red.

Feng Shui for the bedroom

Feng Shui in the bedroom is essential to achieve harmony and promote good rest. To ensure that the vital Chi energy flows correctly, one must be very attentive to the optimal placement of the elements.

The location of the bed, the furniture, the mirrors, and even the color of the room have a positive or negative impact and favor or not the conciliation between sleep and a good rest, according to this philosophy. Some keys to enhancing well-being:

  • Take care of the vital energy, the Shi: it is soft and in continuous movement. To keep it that way, the furniture has to be placed in a certain way.
  • The shape of the room: it should be square or rectangular. It is the geometry that corresponds to the Earth element, providing greater stability and balance to Chi.
  • Location of the bed: it is the crucial point in a bedroom since it requires Yin energy for a good rest. Doors and windows represent movement and light (Yang), and walls or partitions without windows or doors are Yin, implying stability and stillness. Therefore, the headboard must have a wall or partition behind it without windows or doors. The bed should be away from the door. A bed facing the door blocks the flow of energy.
  • Ceiling: there should be nothing hanging over the bed at bedtime. If necessary, it should be lightweight and the same color as the ceiling. The same goes for light fixtures or ceiling fans.
  • Colors: white is the color par excellence for the room. Although this year 2022 is essential if it is combined with the color gray.
  • Mirrors: they have great weight at the energy level. It is not advisable to have more than two in the room. Their location is vital: the rule states that they should never be placed in front of the bed or in such a place that it reflects the image of the person while resting.
  • Plants: they are an essential element to achieve harmony and renew the oxygen of the place. They help reject and filter Sha Chi which is toxic energy. Plants act as a protective barrier against noise, excessive heat and light, pollution, and intrusive gazes. But they should be located near a window and avoid those with thorns or elongated leaves such as dracaenas, yuccas, and aralias.

Feng shui to attract money

For Feng Shui, good circulation of energy is key for a prosperous home economy. In addition to using the colors of the year of the Metal Ox, white, gray, and silver, both in the home and in clothing and accessories, it is important to combine them with a touch of other colors that will promote good luck and fortune. Some advice:

  • If you decorate your living room with gray or white armchairs, place blue, aqua green, and cream-colored paintings on the walls. Or cushions with those colors.
  • You can also place vases or other ornaments with red or green, which are the other colors that herald a good year and will help attract money to the home.
  • You can paint an orange or purple wall with a painting in yellow and other colors.
  • Avoid mirrors in front of armchairs or beds where one can lie down.
  • And finally, according to Feng Shui, a clutter-free, vibrant and inspiring home attracts prosperity.

Lucky colors for 2022

Just as for the environment of the house the predominant colors will be white, gray, and silver, the same applies to the clothes with which we dress. White clothing is a symbol of purity and combined with blue and green will enhance protection and balance.

As for the jewelry with which we decorate our body this year, priority should be given to Metal, everything plated in silver and gold will attract luck.

The corresponding jewel for this year is the diamond, although it is not very feasible to be able to use it daily, on a special occasion if you have a pendant, a ring, or earring with this stone, it is the ideal year to show it off and attract good energy.

2022 Feng Shui Horoscope Summary

The year 2022 continues with a wave of widespread negativity. People who are sensitive to Metal will have irritable, irritating, and reticent posture during the year. A tendency will be imposed to want to impose their reasons and truths as unique and not respect the limits both in work and in the personal sphere.

In the coming year, a greater inclination toward material values ​​and less inclined toward spiritual ones is predicted.

To fight and deal favorably with this prognosis, experts recommend trying to return and stay focused on the axis and use discernment and logic at all times to stay framed within reality and avoid any excess that could cause unfortunate episodes. or carelessness.

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