Horoscope 2022: predictions for the second half of the year

Horoscope 2022: predictions are updated sign by sign to find out what the rest of the year has in store for us. Now that half of the year has passed, it is an ideal time to reflect on what we have done during these months and to open up to the proposals and intentions for the coming period.

Horoscope 2022: Now that half of the year has passed, it is an ideal time to reflect on what we have done during these months and to open up to the proposals and intentions for the coming period.

Predictions for each sign

Through our birth chart, astrology allows us to show certain energies that manifest during defined periods. Pointing them out according to each sun sign without taking into account the entire natal chart means falling into generalizations. For our discipline, each being is as unique and unrepeatable as the fingerprint.

No one is unaware that while a Taurus gets married or travels, the other can make a bad deal, fall ill, or simply that on that day he has altered his routine.

However, not all of us have the possibility of knowing our map, natal chart, or astral chart, which depends on the moment and the place where we were born and can be an inexhaustible source of information. For those who do not have that possibility, these forecasts go.

Horoscope for Aries

From March 21 or April 21. Cardinal Fire Sign. Ruler: Mars.

Aries will continue to be one of the most beneficial signs in the remainder of the year. Saturn continues to send its energies from a favorable angle to the natives of the second and third decan of Aries. There are solid planetary supports that will mean the possibility of making solid and notable advances.

Those initiatives related to long-term tasks will be facilitated since Saturno’s support is structural and provides solidity in tasks that require our effort, organization, and responsibility. There will be no prospect of receiving money that is not the result of perseverance and effort, therefore, it will be necessary to be careful and balanced and protect yourself from frivolous expenses.

They should also practice organizational skills. This period may be related to raising the necessary resources for further development.

Jupiter, the major benefit, will continue in the first degrees of Aries until October and then re-enter in 2023. This is a healthy, fruitful, and expansive contact. They will be one of the best influences to take advantage of opportunities and generate growth.

Mars, the ruler of Aries, will make a long transit through the sign of Gemini, orbiting from an affine angle to Aries from August 21, 2022, to March 25, 2023, including an advance and retrogradation “loop” between the 30 from October until January 12, when it resumes its direct movement.

Mars in favorable aspect will indicate a period of full activity, drive, and thrust; so some natives will have an opportunity to start their own business, and organize their professional life with more freedom, more recognition, and income. It is a good time to undertake activities with all this planetary support —except for the retrogradation period of Mars— and to finalize projects.

Pluto, the planet of changes, continues to transit the last degrees of Capricorn. Let us remember that it is a planet known for its transformative, destructive and regenerative capacity, but also for its intensity and hardness when it sets the gears of change in motion. Its function is to strip everything that is superfluous, that which has somehow completed a cycle and must give way to other things.

That is why the natives with sensitive points in the last degrees of the sign continue in a process of deep transformation where they will probably be forced to discard what does not work well and is no longer valid.

Mercury, the planet of communication, will transit through similar signs from July 20 to August 4 and from November 17 to December 6, 2022. These will be periods that will be characterized by a visible increase in stimuli and a more dynamic rhythm for everything related to intellectual and commercial activities. Agreements will be reached, the news will arrive, there will be new proposals and initiatives and there may be possibilities to travel for work matters.

The Arians will continue to experience favorable moments on the affective plane due to the transit of Venus, the planet of love, between August 12 and September 5 and between November 16 and December 11 during their passage through similar signs. In addition, although activities related to art, decoration, and aesthetics will be favored, as Venus will transit other fire signs, in the midst of good omens incongruous reactions and affective antagonisms may appear.

In any case, it will be an ideal time for social gatherings, romantic dates, getting closer to loved ones, and pleasant encounters.

Horoscope for Taurus

From April 21 to May 21. Fixed sign of Earth. Diurnal ruler: Venus.

Taurus continues to be one of the signs most mobilized by transits during 2022.

In this second half of the year, Uranus continues to transit Taurus during 2022 until the 18th degree, where it will conjunct Mars before retrograding on August 24. Before that, there will be a period of tension from July 25 to the end of August, for which you will be mobilizing fundamentally at the end of the first and second grades of the third decan. This transit inclines to unexpected changes, and implies advances, opening possibilities that are always accompanied by desires for greater freedom and independence.

Uranus is called “the great awakener” because many times it will raise dormant abilities. Many times he marks ruptures, separations, and stimulating, creative events, although not without tension. The mind seems to work faster, there is an intellectual awakening, and flashes of intuition and creative ideas appear more frequently. The general state will be restless and tense. Uranus promises surprises, unexpected events, and unforeseen changes.

Saturn will continue to influence the third decan from an angle of tension that tells us that, in order to experience these changes, obstacles will have to be overcome, including circumstances beyond our control.

Uranus’ tension with Saturn is presented as a conflict between the new, the desire for freedom (represented by Uranus), and the old, the restrictions (represented by Saturn). In any case, these aspects are accompanied by unusually strong emotional efforts. Between the months of September and October, it will be more evident because both giants will be in a tense aspect.

With the painful steps of Saturn, the physical energies tend to diminish, so the natives of Taurus will have to pay special attention to their health, these are times that can be characterized by tensions of some kind. This powerful energy is associated with the wrong use of force, with great restlessness or exhaustion.

Mercury will be orbiting from favorable angles from August 5 to 26 and from December 6, 2022, to February 11, 2023. Thanks to the practical use of its intellectual qualities, the planet closest to the Sun will benefit commercial transactions, provide success in business, and will conceive skillful and successful projects. It’s time to buy, sell or get in touch with projects that will boost growth in real estate businesses, bids, and auctions.

Venus will transit affine angles from September 6 to September 29, 2022. All those activities related to beauty, art, decoration, fashion, and aesthetics will be favored. These are times to please others, excellent times for any affective expression (social, family, or artistic), and for financial and real estate activities.

Venus will manifest itself through feelings and very favorable moments will be experienced on the affective plane. It is an ideal time to formalize commitments, social gatherings, romantic dates, days of rapprochement with loved ones, correct intuitions, and very pleasant encounters.

Horoscope for Gemini

From May 22 to June 21. Mutable of Air. Ruler: Mercury

Gemini continues to receive the influence of Saturn from a favorable angle, this will fundamentally benefit those who have sensitive points in the second and third decans.

Saturn structures organize and synchronize the realization of objectives, the development of one’s own, and successes based on patience and awareness of one’s own objectives. In addition, it favors the tenacity that is oriented in one’s own plans, the sense of duty oriented towards reality, rectitude, and self-confidence.

Mars will be transiting Gemini for eight long months, from August 21, 2022, to March 25, 2023, including an advance and retrogradation “loop” from October 30 to January 12, when it will resume its direct movement.

A sensitive point influenced by Mars will be charged with the energy of leadership but not without some conflict. We will have to pay attention to retrogradation and, especially, to the parking lots of the planet on the days close to October 30 and January 12, in degrees 26 and 11 respectively.

When Mars is in retrograde it will not be wise to start new activities or undergo non-emergency surgeries. The reason? Retrograde Mars implies acting out of time, feeling out of sync with the external rhythm and events.

In this period, any action will become difficult; we may have a hard time finishing our tasks. It will be more appropriate to finish unfinished things. In any case, once the retrograde is over, the Martian energy that was blocked will be released and we will find ourselves with a series of activities and initiatives that we had been “preparing” during the retrograde phase. Let’s save the effort to waste energy.

During this period we will have to rethink our reactions to fear, aggression, passion, or anger. Martian energy can frustrate us as things will not go as planned and some circumstances or people can be challenging. We can take new directions that we had not considered before.

Neptune continues to affect the later degrees of the sign from an unfavorable angle and through an influence to be wary of. Psychologically, the person is predisposed to distraction, mistakes, daydreaming, or present a tendency toward self-absorption. Attention to the use of alcohol and drugs. It is better not to get overwhelmed by sentimental worries. There is no doubt that they are temporary states of mind and that they are not good times, because it is very feasible to make mistakes or that they try to deceive you. The best tool, in that case, will be to use common sense and proceed according to the real world.

Mercury, the planet that rules Geminis, continues to transit your sign until July 11. Thus, it favors what is under its domain: treaties, studies, business trips, mental agility, and exchanges.

It will transit through an affine angle again between October 11 and 30. This time may coincide with a period of commercial and monetary boom, manifesting improvements in income, profits from deals, and good opportunities to make purchases. It will also be a propitious time for studies, exams, and all the work associated with commerce.

The planet Venus, which represents the principle of attraction and the joy of living, will transit similar angles between August 16 and September 11. These will be propitious days to deal with family problems, the greater creative intensity will be noticed, many aspects of sentimental life will benefit from unexpected changes, and investments in paintings, decoration and art objects will be very wise. Thanks to the influence of the “minor beneficent”, it will be appropriate to seek greater comfort in the home and renewal in personal attire.

Horoscope for Cancer

From June 22 to July 21. Cardinal Sign of Water. Ruler: the Moon

Traditionally, the transit of Jupiter from Pisces is one of the most beneficial for the sign, since, generally, profitable social connections are opened in its path that can later be translated into opportunities. It also indicates release from impediments or delays and brings opportunities to the economy. In this last section, Jupiter will re-enter the last degrees of Pisces, benefiting sensitive points in the last degrees of Cancer.

Cancer natives—especially those born in the late second decan or those with sensitive spots there—continue to receive Uranus’s influences from a gently related angle that will help them express creativity, giving them greater freedom.

During this transit, it is likely that, by meeting people and finding yourself involved in very different situations than usual, it is possible to make stimulating changes on a mental level. Ideas are grasped more quickly, one is sharper and more insightful, the expression of individual creativity enjoys greater freedom and original and intuitive ideas appear that will be favorable for any work that needs to invent or undertake something, it is also favorable for soliciting favors to people who stand out for their intellect or their authority. This will be a propitious moment for all original work that requires initiative, things invented or unproven. They will be able to live new experiences that will bring different perspectives to everyday life.

Neptune will be favorably influencing the natives of the last days of the second decan and there will be opportunities for creativity and inspiration. In fact, this planet will give them a fine sensitivity, allowing them a certain intuitive mastery of situations, since it offers a strong aspiration to elevate the spiritual order, which makes the individual more altruistic, generous, and empathetic, with a desire to help.

This transit can greatly increase sensitivity and intuition. Neptune acts mainly on the psychic plane, so it is possible that during this time a certain type of very marked idealism manifests itself and that can be a preponderant factor in your treatment. There may be a spiritual experience, a development of the psychic faculties, and an increased interest in religion, philosophy, mysticism, or the occult. The increased tendency to fantasy can be translated into creative activity.

Pluto continues to transit the last degrees of Capricorn, influencing natives with sensitive points in the last decan of Cancer. During this transit, it is likely to find people who try to dominate or restrict action, a power struggle or a conflict due to abuse of authority may appear, or conversely, the temptation to want to manage others through passive resistance may arise. If it is for the benefit of all, much success can be achieved by leading with respect and dignity. The impulsive and stubborn attitude has to be avoided, as well as maintaining an excessively rigid discipline. You have to face the confrontations directly and frankly to expose the difficulty.

Due to the transit of planets in other signs, Cancer will be visited this year only by Mercury and Venus.

Mercury enters Cancer from July 6 to 19. Then it will transit from an affine angle from October 30 to November 24. Mercury in water signs expresses itself in a very emotional and intuitive way. They can increase perception, imagination, fantasy, and daydreaming, making it difficult to focus and stay stable. This transit favors buying and selling, signing deals, business travel, and prospects for home improvements or home-related goods.

Venus will transit Cancer between July 19 and August 12. These weeks will unite lunar emotions with Venusian sensuality through strong emotional energy that will drive the need to receive affection. This transit manifests itself in a tender, sensitive and maternal way, through the home, the children, and the family. But sometimes Venus in Cancer can be unstable.

They will be excellent moments for any emotional, social, family, or artistic expression. These are ideal times for financial activities and to be able to obtain benefits through real estate or family matters.

It is a good time for creative self-expression and that of others through visits to concerts, recitals, or museums. Venus will influence signs related to Cancer from October 24 to November 17, indicating that home stability will go through an unbeatable moment and material well-being will accompany repairing sentimental decisions. Relationships will be impregnated with idealism and tenderness.

Horoscope for Leo

From July 22 to August 21. Fixed Fire Sign. Ruler: the Sun.

Leo remains under stress throughout the year as it continues to be opposed by Saturn and squared by Uranus. This 2022 these aspects will be fully influencing the second and third decans. Symbolically they mark the conflict between the new that is not yet installed and the old that does not want to go: the desire for freedom, rebellion, and reform (Uranus) also has a limit (Saturn).

These aspects are accompanied by a strong emotional effort and tensions. Saturn will be orbiting from the opposition, which is an obstructive aspect very analogous to its influence. This position of Saturn can indicate inhibition, lack of accomplishment, limitations, and even a tendency to feel lonely or unable to communicate with other people, so it is better to try to work alone. It is possible to feel frustrated or limited by those who exercise a position of authority: the boss, the boss, or the employee can seem like a brake, limit, and cause problems at work. Everything tends to be delayed and to achieve something you have to make a much greater effort than usual.

The process of Uranus passing through a tense angle will keep pace with major changes and unexpected challenges in daily affairs during this time period. Difficult situations and important decisions can be presented in a state of tense nervousness.

Mars will transit in this second half of the year, transiting from an adverse angle, activating the current configurations, marking a period of tension between July 25 and the end of August, mobilizing the end of the second and first degrees of the third decan.

In the affective field, Venus —the planet of love and pleasure— will travel between November 17 and December 11 through similar angles, favoring sentimental and social relationships. Signs of affection will be received and there will be satisfaction in love. They will be able to enjoy this transit of very pleasant moments, having affections in the foreground, and they will feel stimulated by opening themselves to the possibility of reconciliations and opportunities to reaffirm their feelings.

Venus will visit Leo between August 11 and September 6: they will be days of pleasant and pleasant surprises for love and friendship, a great time to have fun, and attend or organize artistic shows. Favorable days for the acquisition of ornaments, jewelry, and beauty treatments.

Mercury will visit Leo between July 20 and August 4 and will transit related angles between November 18 and December 7. These transits favor dealings and trading, and may even indicate a time of profit. The monetary possibilities will be increased and there will be ease for credits. For those who want to undertake intellectual tasks, this will be a favorable period to start them. At the same time, they will be the best dates to start trips, moves, and important changes.

Horoscope for Virgo

From August 23 to September 22. Mutable sign of Earth. Ruler: Mercury.

Virgo natives continue to receive the energies of Uranus, known as the great reformer, from a favorable angle. The transit of this planet is characterized as being beneficial for activities that require initiative, the need for independence and freedom, and an increase in intuition and vivacity.

Uranus grants a tendency to change and inclines toward the creation of innovative projects. Many times, these transformations lead to the expansion of the personal experience modifying the lifestyle. In addition, this step in Uranus will follow the rhythm of the willpower necessary to implement the changes that guide your progress and indicates surprising visits or news.

Mars will be transiting an adverse angle for eight long months: from August 21, 2022, to March 25, 2023, including an advance and retrograde “loop” between October 30 and January 12, when it resumes its movement straight.

A sensitive point under the influence of Mars will be charged with the energy of initiative, activity, and leadership. We will have to pay attention to retrogradation, especially to the parking lots of the planet on the days around October 30 and January 12, at degrees 26 and 11 respectively.

There are astrologers who claim that there can be serious conflicts with other people and risks of accidents. Others prefer to think that our energies are depleted and that we think more before acting. What is clear is that we can feel frustrated, angry, resentful, and in a bad mood. In this phase, Mars is less aggressive, internalizes itself, and can cause stress, anguish, and impatience.

Since Mars rules the physical, we may resolve things with a good walk, a few gym sessions, or perhaps practicing some sport or physical activity that allows us to release tensions.

Neptune from its opposite, Pisces, continues to influence the natives of the first days of the third decan of Virgo, being the cause of disorders and untidiness to which this sign is not accustomed. The risk lies in being too immersed in dreams and fantasies, isolating oneself in subjectivity. The moment of making contact with reality can be very painful, so Virgo natives must be very realistic and use their proverbial common sense to always opt for the safe. Better not fall into traps or mirages. There will be risks of slander and disappointment. The best way to take advantage of this influence is through spirituality, helping others, or concentrating on creative activities related to artistic expressions. Imagination, fantasy, and good organizational sense will be allies with which vital progress will be made.

With the powerful Pluto well disposed, the attitudes of the past will now be resolved, giving a new meaning to your life, this aspect will favor willpower, ingenuity, and determination. It is an excellent time to carry out tasks or work related to the elimination of unnecessary objects, emphasizing study and research.

From a psychological point of view, it is a very favorable period to delve into the reasons that determine you to continue fighting or looking for changes that you should make to make life easier.

From September 6 to 29, Venus, the planet of love, will transit Virgo, so romantic expressions and decisions of all kinds, family and social life will be favored. They will be creative days full of lasting agreements in love, with great satisfaction and determination. The month of December will also be very favorable for love, where sentimental and commercial joys will abound.

Mercury will transit Virgo, from August 5 to 27, providing analytical skills, the order in ideas, ingenuity, and speed in business. New job prospects will arise, speeding up time-consuming procedures and vitalizing their communication. They can close business deals and agreements that will be facilitated in this period. In addition to promoting lucrative businesses, Mercury’s influence activates the flame of creativity and brightens the intellect through words.

Mercury will travel from favorable angles between December 7 and February 11, 2023, favoring: the mental and verbal expression of the will, the desire to communicate, knowledge, and the desire to understand through practical thinking and a lot of mental clarity.

Horoscope for Libra

From September 22 to October 22. Cardinal sign of Air. Ruler: Venus.

Libra will continue to be favored by the support of Saturn from Aquarius, which will give it the necessary support to develop and grow. This well-aspect planet can function as a great supporter of all far-reaching activity.

Saturn represents reality, so concrete, organized, structured, and synchronize. For this reason, these are good times to organize scattered matters, under this influence serious and meticulous work will achieve lasting results. The ideas will be efficient and the efforts made will be well oriented. Saturn trine the natal Sun indicates a period of steady and steady progress in life.

Therefore, it will be a good time to start long-term tasks, a business, a company, the construction of a house, or start a professional activity; remember, this energy not only helps build from a financial point of view but also gives continuity and duration to affairs.

There will be a far-sighted look and solutions will be found to almost any problem that arises in economic or professional fields. The tendency will be to take care of and organize the income that will almost always be present to satisfy practical needs. Financial affairs are favored through prudence, savings, and work as a result of effort. These transits also favor the purchase and sale of real estate, fields, or places to make long-term investments.

Mars will be transiting Gemini for eight long months: from August 21, 2022, to March 25, 2023, including an advance and retrogradation “loop” between October 30 and January 12, when it resumes its direct movement. A sensitive point influenced by Mars will be charged with energy, initiative, activity, and leadership. We will have to pay attention to retrogradation and especially to the parking of the planet on the days close to October 30 and January 12, in degrees 26 and 9 respectively.

When Mars is in retrograde, it is not wise to start new activities or undergo non-urgent surgeries. Mars retrograde fundamentally implies acting out of time, being out of sync with the external rhythm or sequence of events.

Venus, ruler of the sign, will transit Libra from September 30 to October 23, 2022. The planet of love and pleasure shows us our aesthetic, playful, and sensual senses. That is why it influences artistic skills, in our way of enjoying and relating. There will be unbeatable times to share with family and friends.

Venus from her home has a great capacity to achieve what she sets out to do and succeed; she favors unions of lasting love or friendship. Venus in Libra is related to art and beauty, so it will be a good time to attend or schedule shows and start activities connected with creativity. It will also be a good time to renew your wardrobe and take care of your personal appearance. In the economic sphere, good winds are also blowing.

Venus will be transiting similar signs from June 24 to July 18, promoting a favorable social, family, and emotional atmosphere. The ideal time to formalize commitments, go on romantic dates, and attend social gatherings. There will be a greater desire to please others and several days of rapprochement with loved ones and pleasant encounters. Good time to make new contacts and friends.

Mercury will transit Libra between August 28 and October 29, when communication will become more diplomatic. The intellect will be active but hesitant when it comes to making decisions and relationships will tend to be more mental than emotional. These will be ideal times to carry out business or financial activities, streamlining delayed procedures and revitalizing communication.

There will be good times for creative work, original ideas or intuitive inspiration will arise in business and there will be a tendency to live interesting experiences broadening horizons.

Horoscope for Scorpio

From October 22 to November 23 Fixed Sign and Water Sign. Traditional ruler: Mars. Modern ruler: Pluto.

Scorpio receives tense planetary influences during the second part of the year. First of all, with the transit of Uranus, which will mainly affect those who have sensitive points in the second decan. The opposition generates divisions and splits: two forces in struggle show that it is not the right time for relations. For this reason, the opposition of Uranus synchronizes with moments of tension, nervousness, acceleration, and unforeseen changes.

The liberation represented by this planet can symbolize resistance or confrontation with someone or something, this is a difficult moment and a radical position. Uranus acts on the character, so sudden reactions and outbursts of bad humor can occur. One who, affected by this transit, occupies a subordinate position, may be hostile to authority and have a certain tendency to violate rules and conventions.

It is possible that, under this transit, impulsive and unconventional decisions are made. There is a predisposition to feel impatient because there is a desire to get rid of responsibilities, nervous tension is always present and makes coexistence difficult. A very positive way to discharge this energy is to seek this same release through interest in unusual tasks, humanitarian or scientific activities, or the study of astrology. In general, new friendships, groups, or links appear in these fields, in addition to the emergence of relationships with unconventional or peculiar people.

The square of Saturn, which will fundamentally affect the second and third decans of the sign, will bring about an attitude of commitment. They may then feel stimulated by work or the desire to take on new responsibilities, and their self-discipline and organization will be increased.

Sometimes, during these periods, unfinished business from the past is picked up and now needs to be finished. There will, however, be a tendency towards isolation since Saturn -the planet of restriction and limits- does not help you in relationships or social openness. It can show a cold and inconsiderate attitude, or even a way full of antipathy that produces difficulties in the most intimate relationships.

With this transit there may be breakups or estrangements if the relationship has serious problems; In this sense, this contact requires being more critical, demanding, and firm regarding the convenience or not of a relationship. Logically, it is not a good period to make companies. It is a time of “feeling alone being accompanied”.

In this second half of the year, Mars will transit from an adverse angle, activating the current configurations, marking a period of maximum tension between July 25 and the last days of August, fundamentally mobilizing at the end of the second and the first degrees of the third. decan.

Mercury will transit Scorpio between October 30 and November 18, this is when communication will be more intuitive, acute, and critical. During this time, an opportunity opens up to analyze emotions and work deep in the mind. It will be the ideal time to start therapies, investigate past lives or study those unfathomable questions that help understand human nature.

It is a favorable period for purchases, sales, the signing of agreements and contracts, as well as business trips and the acquisition of homes or household-related goods. Likewise, it will affect the development of certain skills linked to commerce, literature, or the media.

Venus, from a favorable position, will facilitate effective expressions and an understanding attitude and will help improve them from July 19 to August 12. These weeks present appropriate possibilities for enjoyment and rest. It will be possible to make a profit through matters related to art or fashion and financial opportunities may appear.

From October 24 to November 17, Venus will cross Scorpio and it will be excellent to express all the romantic manifestations and schedule family or friends gatherings.

Horoscope for Sagittarius

November 21 December 21 Mutable Fire Sign. Ruler: Jupiter.

Sagittarius continues to benefit from the passage of Saturn, which will transit the second and part of the third decan from a favorable angle, giving you a methodical and disciplined state of mind.

It will be a good time to carry out work that requires concentration and attention to detail. There will also come an excellent time to seek the advice of an older person or someone whose wisdom and experience are respected, to take precautionary measures. The energy of Saturn is favorable for routine work, the completion of any work that has been started that has to be completed, and the approach to matters that, by their nature, are slow, heavy, or monotonous.

Opportunities may arise through professional contact, through business, or with older people. It will be necessary, always through effort, to work hard to achieve the objectives, accompanied by the necessary energy to start profitable matters for your progress.

Mars, from the opposition, will make a long transit for eight long months, from August 21, 2022, to March 25, 2023, including an advance and retrograde “loop” between October 30 and January 12, when it will resume its direct movement.

A sensitive point influenced by the opposition of Mars will be charged with impulse energy, and aggression, producing a somewhat critical climate. We will have to pay attention to retrogradation and especially to the planet’s parking lots on the days around October 30 and January 12.

Remember that Mars retrograde means acting out of time, momentarily lacking synchronicity with the external rhythm, with the tempo of the “world”. We may become too fast or too slow, but never have the gift of the moment. It is that what we want or desire does not coincide with what life offers us.

During this transit, any action becomes difficult; we have a hard time finishing our tasks, although it is the most appropriate time to finish the things that we leave unfinished. However, once retrograde is over, the Martian energy that was blocked is released and encounters a series of activities that we had been “preparing” during the retrograde phase.

In this phase, it is appropriate to review our actions, asking ourselves if they are in accordance with what we really want; our energy slows down, and it is time to prepare projects that will become a reality when Mars becomes direct phase again. It is time to evaluate, integrate and observe how we express the Martian energy, how much will we put into our actions, how we initiate them, how we respond to life’s challenges, how we react to power conflicts, and how we temper our aggressiveness, our sense of competition, our instincts, our fears, how we defend ourselves from danger and what our real motivations are. In short, we have to analyze if our actions, the momentum, and the force we use, are in accordance with what we really want.

Attention! There may be serious conflicts with other people and risks of accidents. Since Mars rules the physical, we may solve things with a good walk, a few gym sessions, the practice of a sport, or some physical activity that allows us to release tensions.

Mars represents the instincts, the passions, and the sexual drive. Reactions from past events may come out. You have to know how to handle these situations so as not to get obsessed or get too upset.

The natives of the first decan of Sagittarius are receiving the beneficial influence of Jupiter until October 28, Jupiter enters the sign of Aries for the first time after 12 years. This will favor the first decan of Sagittarius with expansion and opportunities, they will enjoy certain benefits, and they will even be able -with the control of certain expenses- to improve their financial condition.

The last decan of the sign receives the energy of Neptune from an unfavorable angle. Its influence is so subtle that it is difficult to incorporate on the material plane since it is related to “ideal” states, but, in general, unreal. Its energy may be consistent with moments of connection with higher planes, it is favorable for meditation and creativity, and it is associated with art, photography, and cinema. However, under its influence, we can live in a fictitious reality because this planet operates producing confusion and manufacturing deceitful chimeras.

Neptune is also associated with alcohol and all kinds of drugs or any substance that alters reality, which is why you should pay close attention to their consumption.

The planet of love and pleasure, Venus, will transit through the sign of Sagittarius from November 17 to December 10, 2022, coloring feelings of optimism, cheerfulness, benevolence, love of justice, joy, generosity, philosophical tendencies, and religion.

During the transit of the minor charity, social gatherings and affective commitments are encouraged. Love and material benefits will be united in favor. There will be a stage of greater harmony and great reunions. Many obstacles will disappear from family life and pleasant gatherings and celebrations will be available.

Likewise, Venus will send its beneficial rays from favorable angles from August 12 to September 5. A bit of vanity and the desire to please usually appear under these aspects. It is also possible to obtain advantages through relationships, whether as a couple or as friends. Well-being will accompany them during this period, as well as the search for everything that is aesthetic and luxurious.

Mercury will transit Sagittarius from November 18 to December 7, 2022, from there it will give you mental qualities related to idealism and religion. As it is in the sign of its exile, special attention must be paid to exaggeration and lack of tact. During this period, your possibilities to travel, make pacts, agreements, conversations and business meetings will be facilitated. This position of Mercury makes it possible to connect with other countries and with people from other places. The periods between July 20 and August 5, 2022, will also be favorable for these matters.

Horoscope for Capricorn

From December 21 to January 20. Earth Cardinal Sign. Ruler: Saturn.

Pluto, the planet of profound changes, continues to transit Capricorn, going through the middle degrees of the last decan of the sign and marking long and profound transformation processes that can take place throughout our existence.

Pluto exposes our neuroses, our repressions, and our fears and then forces us to deal with them and rebuild our personality. During its passage, we function compulsively. He teaches us what we must eliminate and encourages us to destroy the attitudes that prohibit us from truly being ourselves. On the other hand, it can represent very favorable changes during its passage, since sufficient energy and resources are found to make contact with one’s own authority.

Capricorn receives the energies of Uranus from a favorable angle. Uranus is the planet of sudden changes, rebellion, freedom, of creation. Additionally, Uranus is very scientific and is also associated with technological advances. The natives of Capricorn will receive this energy in a harmonic way, so the changes will take place through facilities and opportunities that will appear.

This contact is excellent for starting a business or new contracts, especially if they are innovative and different. The intuitive faculties, the curiosity, and the desire to investigate will be stimulated.

Likewise, this transit leads to an expansion of the individual experience generating changes in the way of living. You make contact with new friends, with more interesting and attractive people. Uranus is called the “great awakener” because he reveals latent possibilities by putting people in touch with matters that would not have been possible before. In addition, there will be a desire for greater freedom and the necessary strength to carry out constructive efforts for their own progress.

Pluto continues to transit the last degrees of Capricorn, for them, the tendency to change is present with a share of additional effort. That aspect of deep transformation will be mobilized between June 27 and July 2, as Mars, from an adverse angle, will send you an aspect of tension.

The trend generated by this contact can show the need to work hard to achieve goals. They may feel pressured by circumstances and it is best to try to avoid conflict with others. Be careful with intransigence, demands, and excessive ambition, as they are usually moments of impulses. There may be obstacles and resistance that can cause anger, irritation, and excessive responses. The best course of action is to work voluntarily on constructive matters.

Since Pluto is associated with elimination, we can help drain the planet’s energy better by eliminating things that have been accumulating from the past, emptying cupboards, wardrobes, attics, basements, etc. It will also be good to control our own evacuation system.

Mercury, the planet of communication, will transit from favorable angles from August 5 to 26, giving these natives the feeling of being more awake, more alert, and with greater mental agility. This is an excellent period to travel, make agreements, organize conversations and business meetings, take exams or begin studies. Days of intellectual well-being in which relationships with others will be facilitated.

Horoscope for Aquarius

From January 20 to February 19. Fixed Sign, of Air. Traditional ruler: Saturn. Modern ruler: Uranus.

Aquarius continues to be mobilized by the transits of Saturn and Uranus, its traditional and modern rulers, respectively. These conflicting forces will be active throughout 2022 and are related in a square aspect, affecting those who have sensitive points in the second decan.

Squares are aspects of the effort, work, and challenges, they are dynamic. The conflict between Uranus and Saturn seems to be between the new that wants to impose itself and the old that needs to remain. It is surely about the transition and adaptation that we are all experiencing in one way or another. This aspect can be expressed as an effort to overcome difficulties and, at a general level, it can be thought of as problems with technology, electricity, airplanes, and all matters associated with the economy and technology.

Uranus was discovered at the time of the French revolution whose motto was: “Equality, fraternity and freedom”, in other words, it is a disruptive, unconventional, rebellious planet. In fact, it represents the modern, technological, scientific, progressive, and innovative.

Instead, the transit of Saturn confronts us with reality and that may be its biggest problem. Saturn is the time spent putting all things in their place. The transit of Saturn in conjunction or in tension aspect in relation to sensitive points in the Natal Chart, restricts, limits, and organizes everything it touches. For this reason, it is a good time for these natives to put an order, take on responsibilities, and start tasks that require discipline, studies, and long investigations.

The transit of Saturn conjunct to the Sun requires discipline and, at times, forces us to return to unfinished business from the past. From the physical point of view, there is often a drop in vitality and emotionally there is a tendency to isolation and melancholy, so it is advisable to adopt a more optimistic attitude or dedicate yourself fully to tangible things that can be managed through a practical sense.

Saturn can also be associated with charges associated with older people, Saturn represents them.

Saturn in its transit through Aquarius receives Uranus from an adverse angle, which can cause restlessness, nervousness, and dispersion. This transit can synchronize with moments of mental instability, an alteration in sleep, and heart rhythm. It will be necessary to consider ways that allow you to relax and rest properly.

Uranus in bad aspects can cause communication difficulties and make you understood by those around you. In this destabilizing period in which unexpected circumstances create upheavals in both personal and professional affairs, one may feel a lack of security and even fear of living in a time of change and new experiences that force the structure of conditions to be modified. previous. Again, it is the struggle between Saturn, indicating the old structures, and Uranus, causing a break into the new. Although it can be a time of high tension, this contact can create new interests and give the opportunity for a new life by leaving behind old and worn situations or conditions. There is an opportunity to get a better perspective to see how ambitions are achieved independently.

Mars will be orbiting from an affine angle to Gemini for eight months, from August 21, 2022, to March 25, 2023, including an advance and retrograde “loop” between October 30 and January 12 when it resumes its movement. straight.

Months of full activity, possible promotion with good results, due to an executive spirit and efficient productivity. They will be suitable moments to clarify situations, go to the doctor, and improve health by doing some type of diet and physical activity. Mars influencing for a long period from an affine angle will give you more physical energy and you will feel pleasure doing sports or competitive activities.

Venus will go through similar angles between September 30 and October 23, coloring the feelings of a calm, serene, friendly, detached but innovative mood, benefiting its passage and favoring artistic, loving, and creative expressions. Social gatherings and affective commitments are encouraged. Love and material benefits will be united in favor. There will be a stage of greater harmony and great reunions. Many difficulties will disappear from domestic life and pleasant gatherings and celebrations will be available.

Mercury will bring ingenuity, innovation, and creativity during its transit at related angles between October 11 and 29. This movement will be favorable for intellectual activities of any kind. They will be propitious days to write important letters, initiate negotiations, make visits, manage, go on a trip, or seek the solution to a professional problem. During this period it may be possible to process a sale, sign a contract or make some purchases in good conditions.

Horoscope for Pisces

From February 19 to March 20. Mutable Sign of Water. Traditional Ruler: Jupiter. Modern Ruler: Neptune.

Pisces continues to receive the transit of Neptune, which continues its slow and long journey through the sign, transiting the first degrees of the third decan. Neptune’s influence is extremely subtle, it is a nebulous, mysterious, impalpable influence and it acts on the mind: we become aware of its effects when it has already taken possession of us and we find ourselves imprisoned in the meshes of its nets. We can touch the sky with our hands or, on the contrary, face anguish, fear and anxiety. We experience chaos, lack of vision, and confusion, we can be victims of deception and fall into betrayal or fraud. The reason? The planet leads us to disappointment or to be living a fairy tale, living a great love with that feeling of “feeling out of time”. Beware! That illusion can turn into disappointment.

Neptune presents inspiration, images, dreams, visions, photography, film, and religion. Neptune dissolves borders, we must pay attention because it can wrap us in a dream from which it is hard to wake up.

This planet is present in poisoning, addictions, madness, and drug-related activities. Furthermore, panic attacks, allergies, and difficult-to-diagnose ailments belong on this planet’s territory.

This energy will be benefited by the transit of Jupiter, which will make a conjunction with Neptune and will fundamentally influence those who have sensitive points in the third decan and the end of the second sign.

Uranus also influences the sign from a favorable angle. Thus, new ideas appear, and interesting changes can be experienced at a social and relationship level. Opportunities usually appear unexpectedly and produce transcendental modifications for personal evolution, friendships are formed or there is some contact with groups of people or organizations.

Jupiter will briefly re-enter Pisces between October 29 and December 19, benefiting the last degrees of the water sign. The beneficial influence of Jupiter results in growth opportunities, facilities, good connections, and agreements, it will reach those who have sensitive points in the last degrees of the Sign.

Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, will transit the sign between September 8 and October 7, so home stability will go through an unbeatable moment. Material well-being will accompany comforting sentimental decisions. Relationships will be impregnated with romanticism and tenderness.

Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, travels through angles that favor intellectual activities, communication, studies, and commercial work. It will do so from July 12 to 28, first, and from November 6 to 24, later. It will then be a propitious time to initiate artistic studies and give rise to experiences of meditation, yoga, trips to the sea, or spiritual exercises. But, beware! This position on the planet may lead you to an excess of trustworthiness, which will allow deception in other aspects of life. It is recommended to take special care in all the transactions they carry out.

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