Palmistry Line: Meaning of the lines of the hand

Do you want to learn how to find out what your body says about you? In the following CosmoInsight article we explain how to read the palmistry line of love, line of children, line of destiny, and line of money.

Do you want to learn how to find out what your body says about you? In the following CosmoInsight article we explain how to read the palmistry line of love, line of children, line of destiny, and line of money.

Have you ever wondered what the palm of your hand says about you? According to palmistry, the divinatory procedure that discovers the symbolism of each of the lines on the hand defends that knowing your palm well can be decisive when it comes to discovering certain things about your past, your present, and even your future.

However, it is a complex technique that requires certain knowledge, so if you want to know more about palmistry, at OneHOWTO we provide you with all the information you should take into account. Do you want to learn how to read the palm and what each line means? Curious about what the future holds for you? Take note!

What are palmistry and its characteristics?

The Greek word “khéir” means hand, while the word “mantéia” translates as divination. Taking the etymology of this word into account, we can conclude that palmistry refers to that divinatory practice in which a person can predict their future based on the interpretation of the lines that are drawn on the palm of their hand. hand.

Palmistry is one of the most popular pseudosciences that exist, and those who practice it defend not only the possibility of knowing the past and future of a person but also some hidden characteristics of the personality of said individual. Thus, according to palmistry, the destiny of each one is written on his body, and through palm reading, it can be revealed. Do you want to learn how to read your own palm or how to read someone else’s palm? We will tell you step by step below.

Which hand is read?

Before going into detail about how to interpret each line of the hand, it is necessary to know which hand is being read and why. The quickest answer is that both hands are read because while 80% of reading is based on the interpretation of the right palm, the left palm can help determine the other 20%, which is why professionals in Palmistry use both hands.

The most common is to start with an exhaustive reading of the right palm and, finally, to interpret the left hand to finish delimiting the information.

Meaning of the lines of the hand

To learn how to read palms, the first thing you’ll need to do is identify the lines on your palm. Distinguish each of them well in your hand and discover their meaning:

  1. Heart line: related to emotions, emotional stability, and everything related to love and romance.
  2. Head Line: The headline speaks of your intellect, your state of mind, and your ability to understand life’s problems and come up with solutions.
  3. Life Line: As its name indicates, the lifeline shows the type of life that the individual leads, as well as the quality of it and if it could be considered a full life.
  4. Destiny line: Although it is similar to the previous one, this line speaks more specifically about the plan you will follow in life, the paths you will take, and how these will impact your future.
  5. Health line: linked to the health that the individual has at the moment, and how this will develop over time.
  6. Money line: if you want to measure the probability of your success at an economic level, this is the line that you will have to learn to interpret more carefully.

While the first three lines are always present and everyone has them located at very similar points, the remaining three lines can be more complex to see and there may even be people who do not have any of them.

We recommend that you always read the non-dominant hand, that is, the less skilled of the two. However, there are several theories of palmistry that defend that depending on what you want to know, you will have to do a reading of the left hand or, on the contrary, an interpretation of the lines of the right hand. We will further specify this process below.

How to read the love line

Once you are clear about the meaning of the lines of the hand, the time will have come to learn how to read hands. We’ll start with the heart line, which is the line that starts on the left side of the hand and curves up toward the index finger.

As we have advanced, the line of love can reveal everything that is related to your sentimental discomforts, your romances, and your future in a certain relationship. Let’s take a closer look at some possible meanings:

  1. If the line ends below the index finger: People whose love line ends just below the index finger are usually idealistic individuals who tend to romanticize situations a lot. They can get frustrated easily.
  2. If the line ends below the middle finger – Conversely, individuals whose line ends below the ring finger are more selfish and spiteful and tend to prioritize their needs over those of others in a relationship.
  3. If the line ends between the two: in this case, we are talking about a very healthy balance, that individual is not a selfish being but neither does he give without constantly expecting something in return.
  4. If the line is straight and short: the person in question usually has little interest in love or even sexual relationships. This type of line denotes a certain dissatisfaction in the romantic field.
  5. If the line points up: This is an emotionally free and healthy individual who is not afraid to express their emotions and who almost always knows what is good for them.
  6. If the line points down: this is a sensitive and somewhat fragile person whose love life may be cut short by some dissatisfactions.

How to read the line of the head or the intellect

Identify the line of the head, which is the line that begins on the right side of the hand and ends parallel to your ring finger. When it comes to learning how to read your palm, we have already seen that this line represents your intellect and your ability to get out of certain problems.

  1. A Long Curved Line – This is a person full of ideas who have complex thought processes and is calculating. You can get out of a situation quickly because you will have thought through every little element.
  2. A rather short line: People with a short line, whether curved or straight, are often cunning and perceptive individuals who are not afraid to be carried away by impulses. Sometimes they can be lazy.
  3. When the line crosses or is very close to the line of life: this type of person is usually cautious and careful, they like to explore all the options well before making a decision and they are not particularly logical.
  4. If it is far from the line of life: they are adventurous people who take risks more easily, sometimes they rush their actions but are often rewarded for that lack of caution and obsession.
  5. If the line is cut: if this line is broken sharply, we interpret that the individual in question is an inconsistent person, can be as impulsive as cautious, and will never fully know when one option is better than the other.
  6. If the line is in the form of a chain: people with a chained headline or with little circles are individuals with certain emotional and personal difficulties. They are very intelligent beings who, due to certain problems in the past, have certain communication problems.

How to read the line of life

What is the line of life on the hand? This line is the one that begins on the right side of the hand, near the edge or intersects with the line of the head, and ends near the wrist. The line of life in your hand is what we also call the vital line, in charge of showing what kind of life you will lead and what its quality will be.

To learn how to read the palm correctly, you should know that the length of this line will not determine whether life will be long or short, as it is one of the most common mistakes in the practice of palmistry.

  1. If the line is close to the thumb: If the line runs parallel to the thumb, it means that the individual is usually very tired and may suffer from chronic fatigue. It is not necessarily a lack of vitality, but it can be linked to health problems.
  2. If the line is short and shallow: If you don’t see this line clearly and it ends long before it reaches your wrist, you are a very indecisive person who often relies heavily on others to make decisions.
  3. If the line forms a half circle: does the line of life form a well-marked half circle? in this case, the individual is a very passionate and energetic person. This does not mean that the person always embarks on great adventures, but rather that he has a lot of vitality and knows how to take advantage of it. These people are very likely to move away from their homeland.
  4. If there are more lifelines around: he is a very vital but somewhat unstable person who only flourishes being surrounded by people with a similar character.
  5. If there is a break along the line: it means two things, that a person is usually very skeptical and that throughout his life there have been sudden changes and complex decision-making.

How to read the fate line

It is worth mentioning that if you are going to learn how to read hands, you will have to consider the possibility that some people do not have all the lines or that some have much more marks than others. In the case of the line of destiny, also called the line of the future, there are people who have it very blurred, so the first important task will be to identify it well from the middle (or ring) finger to the top of the wrist :

  1. Well-marked line: if the line of destiny is easy to identify, it means that this person has a very stable life and that great surprises await him or her professionally and/or financially. In this case, the people in question are very much controlled by fate and have little decision-making power; your environment or your family may have determined much of this meaning.
  2. Intermittent and difficult to see the line: they are individuals prone to change a lot in their life. These changes are generated not so much by external forces as by one’s own decisions. Their place in the world is not guaranteed, so they have to try harder.
  3. Long line: If the line goes from the base of the finger to the wrist, we are talking about a lucky person. No matter what you do in life, you always seem to find a glimmer of luck wherever you go, which can bring you closer to success.
  4. Short line and with other marks: it is difficult for him to listen to the opinions of others when they are not similar to his own. He is a rather negative person and it is not easy for him to find success… we could say that they are people with an uncertain future.

How to read the line of children

Do the lines of the hand of children exist? Is it possible to know the exact number of children you are going to have? Although it is true that many palmistry professionals do not defend the certainty of these lines, in Chinese palmistry there is a practice that defends that the vertical lines under the little finger can reveal if you will have boys or girls. We tell you:

  • The longest and thinnest lines: in Chinese palmistry, these refer to sons.
  • The thick and marked lines: these, on the other hand, refer to girls.
  • Broken lines: the same broken line means that you will have a mother or father relationship with a child, even if he or she is not biologically yours.

It is a very delicate area to see and difficult to interpret, so it requires a lot of practice. At CosmoInsight we recommend that you carry out this analysis with a magnifying glass since it is a hidden area.

How to read the money line

How to find the money line in your hand? This vertical is found running from the top to the bottom of the thumb, so it is usually easy to identify. However, you should know that this line will not reveal to you if you will be rich or not, but rather it will reveal to you the possibilities of money in your life. What does that mean? That although the lines can assure you more or less ease, the effort must be there:

  • Sharp and Straight Line – If this line or lines are deep and straight, you are an individual with a natural talent for business. You are observant and you know how to see the weak points of people and businesses easily… the search for solutions can bring you good fortune.
  • Wavy lines: If your money line is wavy, it means that you are a poorly organized person who does not know how to fully manage your assets and your time. That doesn’t mean you won’t be successful and money, but that you will have to learn to control your behavior to do it and that it will cost you.
  • Multiple Marked Lines: If you can clearly differentiate all the lines in this area, it means that you are an intelligent and very insightful person who has a great chance of success in life.

Are the lines of the hand changing?

The answer is yes, the lines of the hand can change throughout a person’s life, although it should be noted that this is usually due to external factors. However, this does not happen often, which is why palmistry can be useful for many people.

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