It is Time to Claim the Reward of Your Efforts.



The message today is about reminding you to claim the prize of the endeavours you have made in the quest of attaining a prosperous life. The battles you fought against the obstacles that arose deserve a reward. Claim the results of the sacrifices you make every once in a while. Your angels are cognizant of your claims and they promise to implement each one of them with help from God. 

However, your angel is alerting you to remain humble once your claims are discharged. If by chance they turn you into a braggart, be lest assured that in a blink of an eye, you will lose it all. All your blessings will be taken and bestowed on someone who is appreciative and uses them to garner more. Well, think about it, do you want all your efforts to go to waste?


Claims are as a result of hard work. 

You cannot make claims on a reward that’s not justified that you worked for it. Your employer cannot pay you on the days you did not report to work. Moreover, the promises made by God to you will not be fulfilled if you have failed to obey his commands. Generally, for every prize claimed, one must have reciprocated their efforts in order to receive it. Through your angels’ aid is an assurance that your claims are going to be met if it is proven that you genuinely worked towards gaining them. 

The theme of this card entails alerting you on the significance of working hard before you can make a claim for your efforts’ prize. Moreover, this gives you confidence as you claim it because you can show proof of what you did to deserve the privileges. 

Additionally, if you feel the need to make claims of being applauded for being the best influencer of the year, you ought to have worked hard for it. Remember that nothing good comes from being procrastinative, pessimist or portraying vices as you lead through life. You need to grind hard and show respect to others and this is a way to certify a life with no challenges. 


Make claims on your angels. 

This message is being conveyed to you today since it is time for you to receive what rightfully belongs to you. It is through your angel that you’ll attain the rewards. The energy you instilled in ensuring you meet your claims is finally about to pay off. The rewards for your claims may include; having a business of your own, attaining peace at your place of work, receiving comfort when you are in sorrow or earning salvation after following Christ’s path.  

Some of your claims might not be fulfilled if you are fond of disregarding your guardian angel as well as God. Some people have refused to acknowledge these paramount powers. So, if you are one of them, it is less likely that any claim will be fulfilled. You are left with a choice of whether to recognize these powers or live a miserable life since there is no reward for you despite the efforts you make to attain a successful life. Your angel is hoping that you’ll opt for the side which brings you benefits. 

This card has been brought to you so as to certify that the angels and God are ready to fulfill their end of the deal. All you need is to do what you are expected to do and attain the benefits of the promises given.  


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