Take Up Your Position as a Lawyer and Seek to Champion Peace and Victory in Your Life.



The message from the oracle card today states that you need to cease from being afraid of defending yourself. This is on occasions whether you have done something or are just being accused. You are required to gather courage as you intend to stand in for yourself. Also, your angels have seen the agony you bear when something that's rightfully yours is taken. Therefore, the message from this card is intended to inspire you to become your own lawyer. You will not have to live in fear of acting as per other people’s directives.  


Living in self-distrust will cost you. Petition to your angels for boldness.

You do not make a good lawyer if you are not audacious. Equally, one doesn’t make progress in life if they are in fear of failure or care about what other people say about them. Be daring to live life the way you want. Fight for yourself when someone tries to make your their slave of paying for a mistake you clearly did not commit. You can never go wrong for being yourself and so while being your own lawyer, do not allow fright drain your enthusiasm. Stand firm and refuse to concede to a wrong you did not do.

When people perceive your feebleness as being your weakness, a majority of them will use it against you. They might even frame you for stealing from them with the objectives of seeing you lose your job. So, exhibiting courage as that of a lawyer will enable you to speak out and justify yourself by tabling proof of not doing it. 

The card is revealing to you today that being brave is not something that will grow in you in one day. Instead, it is a process that takes time thus needing you to be auspicious all the way through. Pray to your angels for a lead through it so that others will avert using your coyness to their advantage. 


Being your own lawyer might not be easy but speaking up for yourself asserts a trouble free life.

It is not a guarantee that justifying yourself perhaps against people who seem to have much power like money will be easy. This is because they will use this as an instrument to challenge you. However, do not lose hope when you find yourself in such a situation. Remember your angels are always on watch and your battle is theirs. Moreover, the universe will not accord wins to people whose intentions are purposed to wreck your life. 

The card is also passing you a message that the worries you are having of whether you can accomplish fighting for peace in your life will be removed. Your angels are brought to you for purposes as this where through their help, you will be enabled to execute your intentions. Go for it because you are capable! 

Moreover, surround yourself with people who are conscious of your peace and when you seem to be fighting a losing battle, they'll come through for you. Be a lawyer to someone and support them against their allies. Nobody wants to feel alone in a world where people are jealous of each other. Come through for someone and they will reciprocate the same to you someday.  

Your angels commit to stand in as your lawyers in your absence when your allies are planning to harm you. They will help uphold the peace you have today and as a result, you will enjoy every bit of being alive. 

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