The Doors Of Learning Will Always Be Open To Anyone Who Wishes To Access The Locked Doors


The Doors Of Learning Will Always Be Open To Anyone Who Wishes To Access The Locked Doors

Today’s tarot is the Strength card. There are moments when you will be faced by the tallest mountains and the fiercest beasts in life and there will be nobody to come to your rescue. At that time, it will dawn on you why it is always necessary to have a backup plan. 

The strength card has the figure of a woman clasping the jaws of a lion to indicate the obstacles that you are facing in life. Naturally, a woman would be scared of the lion since it is a fierce beast capable of mauling her but instead she tames it. This indicates that it is easier to run away from the obstacles that life is presenting to you yet you are encouraged to face them and deal with them head-on. The woman wears a crown of flowers as well as a belt of flowers to indicate that you will need to make up your mind on getting skills that will enable you to progress in life since you are in full control of it.  Behind the woman, there are green trees and a mountain to indicate that the universe is with you whenever you have to confront your challenges hence you need not be afraid. Above her crown, there is a symbol of infinity to indicate that there are limitless opportunities in the world that you can explore. You may be too busy to enroll in a class, yet the card indicates that you can enroll in an online class for the universe you reside in is limitless and so are your abilities.

Online Class As A Weapon

It is said that education is the key and knowledge is power. This indicates that those who possess more information have power over those lacking the same information. People use the information to better their lives and even make a living out of it. In an ever-changing and evolving world, those who fail to constantly enlighten themselves will be left in the dark while those who keep on learning will hold the light and lead the world. One secret about the most successful people is that they are always learning. They understand that every day is a learning day while the poor hate books and they perceive any new information as boring. In fact, they will never understand how and why the rich would spend money to buy books and magazines.

The Strength card is an indicator that you need to enroll in an online class as soon as possible. Instead of idling and gallivanting around during your free time, invest in an online class and learn a new skill. At the end of it, you will benefit so much that you will wonder why you never discovered that secret earlier. Like the lion on the card, you will be faced with mountains as you walk along your career path, and without skills from an online class, you will find it very hard to navigate. You could be an accountant who is used to the manual bookkeeping methods, a secretary who is used to taking minutes manually, a teacher who is used to teaching physical classes, or even a manager used to addressing employees physically. Although you may be very comfortable since you have been using your old skills since time immemorial or because you are assured of job security, the strength card warns you to be cautious since you never know when the lion will emerge. A day will dawn when accounting software will be mandatory, minutes will be conducted online, classes will be attended online and your current skills will be irrelevant. To be safe on that day, you are advised to enroll in an online class and obtain skills relevant to your career. Do not wait for the lion to maul you and your career journey collapses. 

Online Class As An Investment

The population in the world is always increasing and the battle for scarce resources is unending. The law of the jungle where the fittest are the ones to survive prevails hence one has to keep on building themselves to be the best. Enrolling in an online class may seem like a waste of time for one person yet to another it is an opportunity to make money and achieve financial freedom. When one has a skill, they can always train others at a fee or use the skill to make an extra coin. This is what sets apart successful people from the rest. 

The Strength card is an indicator that there are limitless opportunities in the world. You may be in a situation where you feel like you are disadvantaged and you desire to be like others. You may be envying people who appear more successful than you are and you wish you were in their position. The strength card reveals to you that no path is easier and everyone you admire for their success had to work hard and sacrifice their pleasures to get to where they are at the moment. You cannot reach the other side of success if you are afraid of the lions on your way and if you are hesitant of taking up the infinite opportunities presented to you by the universe. Enroll in that online class you have always wished for and acquire that skill that will better your life. It may not be easy but it will be an investment worth every coin and every second.

Top Tip Of The Day

Competition for the best resources and to be the best to survive in the universe is inevitable. This means that you need to ensure you are in the best version of yourself to remain relevant. The strength card is a call to face your fears and seek to be the best. This is possible by enrolling in an online class to gain skills that will enable you to have a high edge over the rest. Pursue the infinite opportunities the universe has placed before you for you are limitless. 

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