You Cannot Wear A Crown Or Sit On The Throne Unless You Are Willing To Put Aside Your Fear And Take The Wand In Your Hand.


You Cannot Wear A Crown Or Sit On The Throne Unless You Are Willing To Put Aside Your Fear And Take The Wand In Your Hand.

Today’s tarot card is the Emperor. Having a plan for your future gives you peace because you gain clarity on what you are working towards and you are not afraid of putting in the effort. Creating a life worth living demands sacrifices and a focused mind. Everyone wants a good life; the great differentiator is how far you are willing to go to get it. You care for your loved ones and one way of showing this is securing their future.

The Emperor  card has the image of a man sitting on a throne. He wears a crown and has a white beard to symbolize the wisdom that you possess. The world may perceive you as young yet you are an old soul in a young body and this explains why you feel like you do not fit in most of the time. The throne that he sits on is adorned with ram faces to indicate the sacrifices you are making for a better future.

It Is The Small Actions That Amount To Something.

The purpose of a mortgage is to help people achieve big dreams by consistently doing right. Mortgage owners pay the loans on a monthly basis and eventually, they get to own the home. Inconsistency or lack of payment can mean losing the house altogether, no matter how far you have gone with your payments, as long as you have not finished paying them, as long as the plan is not complete; you cannot stop pushing. You may be having great ideas, but they will not amount to much if you are not consistent with them. You have been working on improving your life, though you do not have something substantial to show for it. You go to work, you deny yourself unnecessary luxuries and you save every little money you get. You have been wondering if you will ever get to enjoy the fruits of your work. You have disciplined yourself to spend your resources well. You have known different ways of investing and growing your money. There are some projects you have that are coming to completion even though you have used much time to do them. You have realized that what seems little is what is creating the most impact in your life.

The Emperor card indicates that you should protect your vision and do not allow anyone to sway you from it. You took time before you believed that the only thing that can save you is using what you have. Previously, you thought you would get big opportunities at once and you will do big things the same way. It has been a process to accept the reality that it is not so and that it is wishful thinking which encourages laziness and complaining. Do not be discouraged by the process your life is going through, eventually, you will create the stability you had envisioned.

Your Dreams Are Achievable.

Mortgage seems like a great deal yet some people do not even think of considering it. You may want to have your own home, but you have limited yourself from thinking that big. A mortgage owner has accepted the challenge of fulfilling their dreams. That each step they take will be towards that and eventually, no matter how hard it was, they will have owned that home. Mortgage owners have refused to settle for less and for the idea that something is not meant for them. Have you ever looked at your dreams and wondered if they are realistic? Most people give up on what they want because they also have so much doubt around it. You have been seeing the limitations that surround you, you could have not schooled enough, you do not have a well-paying job, or you have a lot of responsibilities to do. You may be accepting that this is your position in life and you do not think you were meant for great things. You are a resilient person and you are able to survive tough situations, if you put your mind to it. You have always had an eagerness to learn and it is unfortunate if you choose to settle where you are. Do you remember the things that excited you, that you knew you would do? You miss that adrenaline you got when doing what you love. You had so much hope and you knew you had a good life set before you. This is a time to revive your purpose.

The Emperor card indicates that you should believe the universe will not allow you to lack anything that is meant for you. Be as daring and hopeful that though you do not have the whole amount to do a one off payment, you will not be stopped. Continue doing your best, forging towards your dreams. Even at a later age they can still be achieved, there is no timeline of doing things. Just like the emperor in the card, one day you will also sit on the throne. 

Taking Up A Mortgage Needs Patience.

Choosing the right mortgage for you requires you to weigh out the available options you have. You have to be sure that you can afford the payments including the interest rates the lenders have applied. Mortgage owners take their time to check with different lenders in different living areas to find what suits them. The goal is to complete paying the mortgage without any stressful situations. Patience saves you a lot of unnecessary problems. You may be doing things impulsively because you feel that if you hesitate, you may lose it altogether. You want to be part of something great and you grab every opportunity that puts you out there. However, you have to be keen on what you involve yourself in to avoid getting into messy situations. You have important decisions to make regarding your life, take your time to see if they will work for you long term and do not be lost in the good feeling of the moment.

The Emperor card indicates that you are headed to a place where your life will be altered by the decisions you are about to make. Apply wisdom that the universe has bestowed you and consult with those who are more knowledgeable about the things you want to do. Take as much time as you need to choose the direction that is best.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Everyone who wants a good thing and achieves it has worked tirelessly for it and you will not be an exception. Embrace your journey and make it however you want, let it be memorable and worth it to you.

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