Find Your Voice

Find Your Voice

Do you often feel like you do not have a voice to speak for yourself? Do you often let people walk all over you? Are you tired of being treated unfairly?

The universe is telling you that it is time you stand up for yourself. Gain the courage that you need and speak up. Do not let others take advantage of you however they feel. You are an individual that deserves love and respect as much as anyone else. You are a very important person that deserves to be treated with respect. This is the best decision you will ever make when you decide to quiet down the things that do not make you happy.

Do not let people walk all over you simply because you are a good person. You may lose the self-esteem and courage that is needed for you to survive in this competitive world. You owe no one anything; therefore, no one should make you feel inferior. The first thing you need to do is set boundaries. These are things that you can and cannot accept. Do not be afraid to point out immediately when your boundaries are violated. When you keep quiet and let it pass, you let others feel like that is how you are meant to be treated.

Get Rid of Fear

The other thing that you need to mind when speaking for yourself is getting rid of fear. Do not be afraid to let people know how you honestly feel according to how they treat you. You will lose nothing by communicating honestly and in an understandable manner. Do not let fear that is associated with childhood experiences, past traumatic experiences and other factors stop you from expressing how you truly feel.

Note that you may end up feeling worse when you fail to speak up. When it comes to a situation where you have an upper hand, allow yourself to control the situation and speak your mind. The best thing that can happen is that you get relieved of having to carry around disrespect that you do not deserve. You can also choose to speak up for people especially where human rights are violated. So many people get mistreated or treated unfairly because they are not aware of their rights. Speaking up for them will help them gain courage to face difficult situations more bravely than before. You will also serve as a good example to others.

What to say when speaking up.

The first step is to be polite and respectful. Use a courteous language that will make the other person get your point without being defensive. You will also minimize the chances of a conflict to erupt since your aim is to inform the other party that you are uncomfortable. The other thing to do is to go straight to the point. Always avoid over-explaining yourself as the other party may find loopholes to fire back at you making your situation worse. You can decide to speak out about your issues in the most brief way that you are comfortable with.

You need to have clarity on what you are saying. Avoid building misunderstandings on where the other party may feel that you are not understood. Clearly define what boundaries the other part has crossed and what your stand is. You also need to employ emotional intelligence meaning that you control your emotions when speaking up. This includes avoiding getting so angry that you are shouting. Instead, talk in a calm manner so that you are understood.

The universe will give you courage to speak for yourself.

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