Forgiveness is Strength not Weakness

Forgiveness is Strength not Weakness

Have you ever been wronged by someone? How did you take it? Was it hard to look past the mistake?

The universe is telling you that it is time to find it within yourself and forgive. This means that you become mature enough to look past people's mistakes. Forgiving does not only entail saying that you have pardoned them, it also means forgetting that such a situation ever happened. It is important that you do not keep reminding someone of the wrong things that they did to you. You need to look past their shortcomings and start from afresh.

Why do you think that you need to forgive people sincerely? This is because you are also human and are bound to make mistakes. You may find yourself in a situation where you may require the mercy of someone. What action would you want to be taken against you? It is obvious that you would want to be pardoned. So, relieve people too by pardoning them because humans are bound to make errors. Nobody is perfect in the world that they cannot make mistakes.

Mistakes can either be intentional or unintentional, meaning that at times you may not have the ability to control it. The only thing you need to be careful about is not doing wrong to people constantly. You need to take control of your actions and avoid as much as possible clashing with others.

Is it important to forgive yourself?

The universe says yes it is important to forgive yourself. This means that you accept the mistakes you made and move towards becoming a better future. How well you forgive yourself also defines your relationships. Nobody wants to form strong and lasting bonds with people who carry a lot of self-guilt. When you are always blaming yourself and see no need to be happy, people will definitely avoid you. People want to be close to those who love and see the value of themselves.

There is also importance in forgiving yourself as you get to learn. You get to know the boundaries you should put in place and what works for you. This will help you avoid committing the same mistakes over and over again.

How many times should you forgive?

You need to pardon others as much as you can. However, you need to be cautious of people who take advantage of you. There are people who will do you wrong because they know that you will eventually forgive them. It is right that you avoid such company and be with those who accept their mistakes and become better. Such negative people can have a negative impact in your life and make you not move forward.

You need to be self-cautious and avoid being used by just anyone. You can be kind enough to forgive but don’t overdo it. You can also set boundaries on what is acceptable and what is not. Do not let others take advantage of you simply because you are nice.

The universe is telling you that you can stand out and overcome your mistakes. This means that you can always improve and be a better person. The kind of mistakes you made before do not matter. What is important are the steps you have taken towards your transformation. Normalize to forgive yourself and become a better person each day. Take your mistakes as learning tools that guide you in life. Each mistake has a lesson to learn from therefore do not be afraid.

The universe will always help you have the courage to forgive yourself and others.

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