You Need to Host Your Life on Your Angels Today



The message on the oracle card today is about harboring your life in your angels’ arms. Your guardian angels are bringing you this information because they’ve seen how much you are struggling. They are offering to be a place where you can host your life. This assures you that none of those struggles will overcome you as it is intended that you’ll derive help from them.  

Do not give up yet when you have an option of a place where you can secure your life from problems. You’ll be surprised by the turn your life will make. Conceding to defeat signifies that you are weak whereas the universe requires a tough person. The card comes as a way of giving you alternatives by having your angels take lead in your life other than only being reliant on your power.  

Shun from wrecking your life. 

Problems in the world do not have a set time of when they will end. So, when you feel as if you can’t anymore, your angels want you to rely on them for energy. You are jeopardizing your life and that of your offspring when you opt to host your life on your strength. Even if you make it through another day without having a potent power as your host, a time is coming when you’ll be depreciated of the energy to continue. Problems that you’ve been trying to persevere through will turn against you. You can be assured that this will wreck your life. 

Your angels are emphasizing on the need to place your life on them and concede to the path they are going to lead you to. Take advantage of this chance that’s being bestowed upon you and avoid regretting thereafter. You ought to erase the thoughts that your strength can move you to places that match to where the angels can. 

You have been living in deceit this whole time because never has it been your strength that has brought you this far. You can barely survive without your angels’ mercies seeing you through. In this card is a message that you need to assent to your angels’ assistance so that you can experience elevation. It will result from them putting a stamp on your existence. 

Even when you can’t come to terms, your life is meaningless without a dominant host. 

You cannot function without being guided by something and in this case, powers that emanate from heaven such as those of your angels. You are liable to endure through troubles which find their roots in your life. Most of the time you’ll find yourself in altercations with others because you are full of wrath caused by the struggles. If this persists, your life will ruin and might not get the chance to put into effect your objectives. 

This message has your angels stressing on why you need to act right away by conceding to place your life on them. It will save you from getting into a hole that you might never get yourself out of. Secure abundance where there will be no inadequacies in your present and the future. 

Get over any powers that are not paramount and are trying to lure you into giving them your lives. Your angels will save you from falling into these traps. Your angels are willing to take lead in your life and help your life affirm its effectiveness by being your host. 


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