Battles Can Never Be Won In Fear; You Have To Stand Up Confidently And Exercise Your Power Of Attorney
Battles Can Never Be Won In Fear; You Have To Stand Up Confidently And Exercise Your Power Of Attorney
Today’s tarot card is the Chariot. In moments you begin to doubt yourself, remember that there are people looking up to you as their attorney hence you need to fight for them. The universe is with you as you walk along this path of life hence you never have to feel afraid.
The card has the figure of a man in a chariot and holding a sword in his right hand.This may indicate that you are going through a phase in life where you are faced by constant battles and you cannot avoid them. He is dressed in an armour to indicate that you need to be fully prepared when confronting your opponents and you may need an attorney to represent you. The chariot is pulled by two sphinxes; a white and a black one to indicate that there are certain opposing forces in your life that are constantly battling in your life. Like the card, you need to balance these forces and use them to your advantage as you walk on the path to your destiny. There is a city behind the chariot to indicate that you will have to leave everything behind when the universe beckons you to be an attorney to the weak. The canopy on the chariot has star patterns and the man’s crown has stars and there are crescent moons on his armour to indicate that the universe is watching out for you and whenever you need help, there will always be signs to guide you. The card is numbered VII and the number seven indicates your desire to learn more about the universe. It is a call to look deeper into your inner self and discover your potential.
Dilemma Of An Attorney
An attorney will always be faced by the dilemma when presented with various choices such as having to choose to stand up for the truth or fight for a loved one. On one hand is the responsibility bestowed unto them as the upholders of justice and on the other hand is their human nature to protect someone they owe their success to. Life is never meant to be easy and in case you find it easy then you must be missing out on some adventures. You will be faced with numerous options every single day and the choices you make will have a certain impact on how your day turns out and eventually your life.
The chariot card is calling you to stand up confidently on the basis of the power of attorney granted to you by the universe. Before making a decision, you are reminded that you need to do a careful analysis and find out how it affects the others. When you are in a dilemma, do not panic but instead stay calm and seek help from the universe. You are never alone even in moments you feel like everyone has abandoned you for you are a child of the universe and it will always light your path.
The Triumph of An Attorney
It is the hope of every attorney to have the judge rule a case in their favour since their clients have placed high trust in them. No sane person would hire an attorney and expect to lose but this does not mean that victory is guaranteed. When there are two opposing parties; one will win and the other will lose. With this in mind, an attorney has to take the risk and put all efforts to ensure the verdict given favours their client.
The chariot card is a reminder that victory is such a pleasant reward and everyone likes being associated with success. When people grant you their powers of attorney, you are challenged to put in your best efforts to ensure they benefit. This will not only bring them happiness but their trust in you will be increased and your confidence will be improved as well. However, the laws of the universe indicate that life cannot be a straight line hence you will also experience failure at some point. Instead of fretting over it, take up the responsibility to encourage those affected by the failure and instill in them hope. As an attorney, they will look up to you and your demeanor during the difficult moments will determine their approach to the circumstance at hand. If failure breaks you down, they will lose hope but if you show them that the sun will rise again the following day, they will look forward to a better tomorrow. Although this responsibility may seem huge to you since you are only human and prone to emotions, the universe assures you that you will be fine.
Fighting Disputes
When two parties are having a dispute, they consult an attorney who helps them in the mediation process and they resolve it. The attorney has the mandate of listening to both parties while maintaining a neutral stand so that they can make a decision without any bias. After listening to both parties, the attorney gains more information and knowledge on the decision to make.
The reverse chariot card may indicate that you are facing disputes in your life and you have no idea on what to do. This has discouraged you and as a result you have become devastated and lost faith in the power of attorney granted by the universe. Like the two sphinxes, your inner voices are conflicting and you are wondering on which sphinx to feed and which to starve. While you may think it is okay to starve the black sphinx and feed the white one, the card is indicating that you can use the dark sphinx to your advantage. Let the darkness in your heart teach you the importance of light, embrace your weaknesses and let them teach you to embrace others as they are without judging them. Today you are encouraged that it is normal to lose your path once in a while but what matters most is that you get up and move ahead.
Top Tip Of The Day
Like the warrior on the chariot card, the universe has granted you the power of attorney and you are called upon to pick up your sword, put on your armour, leave everything behind and move ahead to confront the battles in your life.
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