For Every Storm That You Pass Through, There Will Always Be A Rainbow To Remind You Of The Beauty Of Life.


For Every Storm That You Pass Through, There Will Always Be A Rainbow To Remind You Of The Beauty Of Life.

Today’s tarot card is the High Priestess. Everyone has needs and they depend on each other in one way or the other. No one can live entirely isolated and live a fulfilled life. You cannot look down on someone because their needs are different from yours. Human beings are made to be co-independent and the moment you find pleasure in serving others, you will have achieved your higher purpose.

The High Priestess card has the figure of a woman dressed in a plain blue robe to indicate the calmness you exhibit despite going through various needs. She wears a crown that has the shape of a moon in the middle and two crescent moons on each side. There is also a crescent moon at her feet to indicate the need for you to tap into the spiritual realm when you have certain needs. The woman holds a scroll in her hand with the name TORA to indicate the divine law that you have to follow for a smooth co-existence with others. She sits between two pillars to indicate that you need people in your life who will act as pillars especially in your moments of need. 

Let Your Hope Shed Light.

People who have dire medical needs cannot be sure about any outcome they may get. One day they are feeling okay and the next it can become a different story. Anytime they go for checkups, they hope for better results. The only way people who have medical needs survive is by changing their attitude and creating a new perspective on life. You may notice them being happier and free-spirited than anyone else. Being negative is very simple, it almost comes naturally. 

The High Priestess card shows that you may be going through a tough season in your life and you want people to see how bad it is, you desire that constant pity and validation. However, people have lives to live and they will not be there all the time as much as you would want. You constantly make others feel obligated to be with you. You may even end up accusing them of not being reliable enough. You have put so much pressure on people because of the expectations you have set. True hope and happiness will only come from you. With the disappointments you have been getting, the universe is shifting your mind to meet your needs first. It demands that you stop running from yourself and that you face what bothers you head-on. Just as a person who has medical needs, you have to reassure yourself first. You may be needed to accept that there are parts of you that need healing and it is only you who can start it. 

This card shows that you have a hopeful heart that things can only get better. Situations don’t have to be different for you to be happy, you cannot change the past, the present, or the future, but you can make sure you let life take its course without you needing to be in control. You have started moving forward one step at a time. You have created room for the things you love. You do not want any sadder days where you think of the worst things. You are not broken, and you are choosing to proclaim that in every situation. You intend to live each day with the beauty it comes with. As much as you need people, allow yourself to set them free and enjoy your company and validation as much as you can.

Medical Needs Are Given Attention.

You may assume that because there is an ever-increasing number of people with medical needs, there is nothing that is being done about it. Researchers have spent a lot of time trying to find cures to ailments, a lot of resources have been put out to deal with the same. People with medical needs, who have taken their time to follow up on the progress of treatment can attest to how far they have come to get proper medication and can credit a committed team for doing so. Being cared for sometimes doesn’t mean the things you get from someone. You may be feeling angry or let down, thinking you are alone and no one cares about you. However, you do not see the effort they put in and how often they think about you. You have been pulling yourself off from people who were genuine with you because you do not observe the actions they have been doing. 

The High Priestess card warns you against taking people for granted and thinking that it is their responsibility to follow up on you. You may know how it feels like to be truly alone, and you are remembering the people who have been there. Follow up on those who have good intentions for you and appreciate them however way you can. You now understand that no one owes you anything, and that has been your beginning point of letting people be.

Knowledge Is A Necessary Power.

Do you feel afraid of uncertainty? When you equip yourself with enough facts about any issue, you will know how to maneuver through it. People with medical needs can get really scared about their condition if they do not know how to handle it. Once they figure things out, they can adjust and create a healthy working system for themselves. You have been feeling worried about your future and you are trying to secure it. You feel concerned that things are out of your control. You are finding ways to get information that can help you create a better life. You are refusing to stay in a comfort zone and you are putting yourself out there. You may be attending meetings or any conferences that work towards impacting people. Slowly, you have started feeling like you are part of something greater and you are working with what you have. The knowledge that you are gaining is giving you the power to live a peaceful life.

The High Priestess card indicates that the universe is working towards opening more channels for you. You will notice many opportunities for networking, studying, or trying a new field. Like the woman holding the scroll, you have all the information you need; open your mind and embrace the change that is coming. You have desired to be equipped, this is your chance to do so.  Do not be ignorant in a world that is constantly bringing new things.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Be empathetic to the needs of others in a world where most people are self-centered. It is important that you take things easy and do not allow what comes your way to weigh down your heart. Encourage yourself with the awareness that you are not alone in this.

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