When You Feel Uncertain About Life, Stand Up And Put On Your Crown For You Are Incharge


When You Feel Uncertain About Life, Stand Up And Put On Your Crown For You Are Incharge

Today’s tarot card is the Empress. When you master the art of controlling the pests in your life, success will never depart from your home and your face will always be glowing. 

The Empress card has the figure of a woman to indicate that you need to use your feminine self for pest control instead of over-relying on your masculinity. The woman has a crown on her head to indicate that you need to take charge of your life and stop entertaining pests. Wear your crown and embark on a mission of pest control to ensure growth in your life which is signified by the pomegranates on the woman’s gown. She holds a scepter in her hand to signify that in moments you feel like people are taking too much from you, you need to arise and reclaim power over your life by deciding on the method to use to control them. Her crown has twelve stars which are an assurance that the universe is with you hence you need not worry that by eliminating pests you will be left lonely. The environment where the woman sits has trees and beautiful representations of nature to indicate that you need a healthy environment to thrive in and this is impossible if you allow pests to keep on draining the life out of you. The Empress card is a card of fortune and prosperity that will follow you but first, you need to free your life from pests for this to be manifested. 

When Faced With A Pest Invasion

When a farmer prepares his garden and sows good seeds, they expect a bumper harvest that will bring them prosperity. However, what happens when pests invade the crops? The farmer will be required to act urgently and control the pest before destruction happens. If the farmer fails to act urgently and instead laments about the pests, in no time the entire garden will be invaded and the crops destroyed. This in the end will bring losses to the farmer and all his efforts will go down the drain.

Your life is like a garden and you are the farmer who determines what happens to it. You are tasked with the responsibility of taking care of the garden and protecting it at all costs. If you would be angry if pests attacked the crops you have planted in a garden, why would you entertain the pests in your life? Some pests come camouflaging as friends and if you are not careful you may mistake them for the manure aiding the flourishing of your garden. Others are family members who cling to you only because they are deriving a benefit from you. If that benefit is taken away, they would not waste a second in your life. 

The Empress card is showing that you need to be wary of the pests in your life for they are draining you and emitting negative energy around you. It is an urgent call to conduct a thorough investigation and identify the different types of pests, the benefit they get from you as well as how to control them. This is the only way you can truly be free and just like the garden in the card, your life will flourish and stand out. 

A Pest Relationship

In a romantic relationship, partners should work hard to ensure that the relationship is mutually beneficial. It takes the effort of two people to make a relationship work, hence most of the broken relationships are caused by one person striving to make it work until they reach their breaking point. If couples fight, one of them will need to be mature enough and initiate a conversation. It is so unfortunate that most relationships today are failing because everyone has a high ego which they are not willing to suppress. When a quarrel takes place, everyone chooses to stay silent and waits for the other party to make the first apologetic move.

The Empress card is a reminder that apologizing first is not a sign of weakness. Like the empress, the one who apologizes first has power since they control the relationship by ensuring love and forgiveness flourish. However, the card could indicate that you could be in a relationship where you are giving too much of yourself leaving nothing for yourself and it is making you tired. Your partner might have betrayed your trust but you forgave them for the sake of the relationship. Unfortunately, they might have taken your forgiveness for weakness and they continued to betray your trust. Being a strong person you may still be tolerating them just because you think it is important for the relationship. The Empress card is a warning that you need to draw a boundary between when it is time to tolerate and time to let go. Wear your confidence robe and fix your crown for you are worthy and you deserve better. Never let anyone make you believe that they are doing you a favour by being in your life for you deserve more than you think. 

Top Tip Of The Day

When pests invade your life, their mission is to destroy you and divert your attention away from walking along the path that leads to your destiny. The Empress card is a card of good fortune and shows that the path ahead of you is filled with success and prosperity hence you need to focus on getting to your destiny. However, it is not going to be easy because there are pests along the way that are distracting you hence you need to be cautious enough to notice them. It is harder when there is a possibility of failing to notice the pests that camouflage. Nevertheless, the universe is with you and guiding you on your path hence you need to reclaim your power over your life, wear your crown and take up the wand for you are the only one capable of making a difference. 

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