When Your Love No Longer Makes Sense, May The Divine Power Above Come To Your Aid As Your Lawyer And Settle Your Case.


When Your Love No Longer Makes Sense, May The Divine Power Above Come To Your Aid As Your Lawyer And Settle Your Case.

Today’s tarot card is the Lovers. When your relationships are not working out, you may easily be tempted to ignore them or wait for the other party to make the first move. However, the lovers card is a call for you to drop your ego and be the lawyer to fight for your relationships. 

The lovers card has an angel who is stretching out his arms to indicate that the universe has equipped you with the relevant knowledge to make you a good lawyer. It could also indicate that you are being sent on a mission to bring justice in your life and spread divine love to those around you. Below the angel there is a man and woman and they are naked to indicate that true love is innocent. It symbolizes the need for you to maintain the purity of your relationship regardless of the temptations in the world which is depicted by the snake that is on the apple tree behind the woman. The man and woman are in a garden that is beautiful to indicate the beauty associated with a pure relationship and behind them lies a mountain to represent the difficulties you have to overcome to ensure your relationship is successful.

The Shrewdness of A Lawyer

The law profession requires a lawyer to be keen enough and shrewd since they are faced with critical decisions to make. A client may hire a lawyer to represent them in court yet they fail to reveal some important information to them that may affect the verdict. While a client is talking to the lawyer, it is the duty of a lawyer to identify the loopholes and ensure the client does not hide information. If the lawyer fails to do this, they may receive a big blow in court when they come across substantial evidence working against their favor and which they might have recognized if they had been shrewd.

The lovers card indicates that what you see is not necessarily what is happening. Take your time before you make a conclusion on something to avoid getting a surprise. If you are looking for a love partner, the lovers card is an indicator that you need to dig deeper and find out more about your partner before committing yourself. When you are in love, it is possible to overlook some important red flags about them hence you need to seek divine help by seeking opinions from people who can see beyond your love. Your friends, parents, or guardians may be warning you and sending you hints that you need to be careful with your relationship, yet you may dismiss them by claiming you know your partner better than you do. In worst cases, you may think that your friends are jealous of your relationship and this may create a barrier between you. The lovers card is a call that you need the shrewdness of a lawyer; instead of using your heart to see through your love, it is time to put your brain at work. 

Take Time To Listen

When a client approaches a lawyer in search of legal representation, the lawyer has to take time and listen without interrupting. It is through listening that the lawyer will be able to study the body language of their clients as well as follow through their storyline. A lawyer who fails to listen will most likely miss out on the important things that have an effect on the client’s case.

The Lovers card is an indicator that you have been doing most of the talking and now you need to take time to listen. In your relationship, you may be the one who talks about yourself and you never let your partner talk. You may discover you have never known much about them or you may complain that they never open up to you yet you have never given them the time to speak. In life, there are people who take a while before they trust somebody and open up to them hence you may mistake them for being too reserved. When you are in a relationship with such people, you need to create a conducive environment for them to open up. Like a client trusts a lawyer and opens up to them even when they have committed great crimes, your partner should be able to trust you with any information about them. They should be vulnerable to you without having to worry that you will not understand them. 

While working in a group, the Lovers card indicates that you need to give time to others to speak and give their contributions. Ensure you are not too dominant to avoid monotony or intimidating them making them think that their contribution makes no difference. The universe has granted you confidence and it is your responsibility to nurture those around you into believing in themselves which is only possible if you take some time and listen to them. You may be surprised that you always underestimated their capability. 

Stand Up For The Truth

A lawyer is always expected to stand up for the truth and uphold justice regardless of the circumstances. However, there are plenty of temptations in the field as the mighty in society seek to buy justice hence a lawyer will always be faced with the choice of standing up for a poor person with no pay or compromising the justice system and gaining financially. 

The lovers card is a warning that your relationship will be faced with various temptations and you will be expected to overcome them. You will need divine help from the universe to overcome the mountains in your relationship. In moments you are faced by these temptations, the card shows that you need to look deeper into yourself and find your inner strength which will help you overcome. If your intentions are pure, you will always triumph no matter how long it takes; so do not give up!

Top Tip Of The Day

The journey to your destiny is not a solo trip hence you need to learn how to journey with others. Like a lawyer, you need to be shrewd, learn to listen to them, and stand up for the truth. 

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