Patience is a Virtue Necessary for Survival
Do you feel tired from waiting for you to progress to the success you want? Irritated and frustrated that you are not where you want to be in life yet despite your efforts and commitment? Do you find yourself ruminating when your time will come as you criticize the universe for being so cruel to you for delaying your success?
You might be doing everything right by putting in the long hours and taking necessary major positive steps and changes in alignment to your goals but still nothing progressive is happening. None of the good deeds seems to matter at the moment, does it? Why? Because you want the results now and at this very moment, you don’t want to wait.
The truth is, there comes a stage in life where every person runs out of patience especially when they feel denied or delayed from success that they have worked so hard for. The waiting period is not a joke, without patience you can lose it all because it bears the urge to quit.
Trust the Universe
At this moment you are feeling impatient, the universe is sending a message to you. The universe is telling you that it is important for you to learn and master patience. Everything will work out in your life when the time is right and not when you want it to. It is important for you to understand and trust the mechanics of the universe and get that everything you so desperately seek will come through in the time anticipated by the universe. Relax and keep persisting as you trust the universe will deliver on its own terms which works in your interest.
The universe wants you to have hope that however much things are not working out for you as you want them to at the moment, they will eventually. Keep taking persistent action without zoning out because you are on the right path. The universe is telling you that the outcomes of your efforts are so sweet that they are worth the wait, keep waiting and pushing.
Comparison Robs Joy
Existing in a society that has so much praised success and accomplishments automatically drives one to want to succeed fast, leaving one frustrated if it takes time. The universe is telling you that your time is coming, all your desire will come to manifest when the time is right for you. Don’t allow society to put pressure on you that it makes you lose faith in the universe at the right time frame for you.
The universe is also telling you to quit comparing your life to that of others as it also contributes to the feelings of impatience. If others are succeeding then their time has come; patiently work for your goals until your time comes. Once you understand your singular authentic purpose and journey, this will evoke positivity and patience and you will create a life without a hurry.
Finally, the universe wants you to always know and remember that it is guiding you away from certain energies and preparing you for much greater things. There is a divine order to your success, just trust the process and the universe. You will see that with patience, blessings will come your way and you will be so thankful you didn’t give up.
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