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Divination with snails or sea shells (oracle of snails)

Divination with snails We present you the Divination with snails or sea shells, its procedure and interpretation (oracle of snails) - Divination with snails or sea shells

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Divination with snails or sea shells/oracles of snails Sea shells is, in fact, the skeleton of marine species such as mollusks, which are thrown by the waves on beaches around the world. With them, at present, decorative articles and jewelry are made.

However, in ancient times, the shells were used as coins and amulets to ward off negative energies and even some indigenous peoples of Peru made spears with shell tips.

In addition to all these uses, the shells have also been used as a means of knowing revelations about the past, present, and future.

In the traditions of Africa, Brazil, and Cuba, the shell oracle is still mentioned and practiced.

There are several modalities of this oracle of snails. However, the most used and simple method for divination with snails is explained below:

Procedure to guess using snails or sea shells

The procedure for divination with snails is as follows:

– Select 10 shells of similar size.

– Draw a circle on a sheet of paper with a diameter equal to the size of your hand.

– Hold the shells with both hands and rub them so that they capture the energy.

– Close your eyes and ask a specific question, whether about love, luck, well-being, or spirituality.

– Forcefully throw the shells at the e! circle and count how many fell inside it because the oracle answers according to the number of shells that are inside the circle.

– Observe the shells that land exactly on the line of the circle. If the long side is more inside than outside, the shell is counted. Otherwise, no. When no shell remains inside the circle, it is necessary to throw them again until at least one falls inside. Let’s see, next, the interpretation of divination with snails or sea shells.

Divination with snails or sea shells: Interpretation according to the number of shells located within the circle

According to the number of shells, the answers will be different. Below you will find the answers to this method of divination with snails or sea shells.

A shell

  • Love: You will find stability next to the partner you have waited so long for. Always remember that a relationship should be fueled by love, communication, and respect.
  • Luck: Save and don’t waste money, since complicated stages will come and the money you save can help you. Be wary of businesses that offer high returns in a short time. Don’t rush.
  • Well-being: You will begin a stage of favorable changes that will give you satisfaction and joy. Do your part to make your projects come true.
  • Spirituality: Promulgate good values to society is important for your personal growth.

Three shells

  • Love: Exaggerated jealousy is a bad adviser and can put your relationship on a tightrope. It is necessary to calm down before questioning the loved one.
  • Luck: You are lucky and you should bless what you have, your home, work, partner and health because there are people who have more needs and concerns.
  • Wellness: It is necessary to stop along the way and implement new habits of life.
  • Spirituality: If you receive an offense, ignore it. It is important to act calmly.

Four shells

  • Love: Rest should be a priority. Schedule a vacation with your loved ones.
  • Luck: You should not despair because of what no longer has a solution. It is better to face problems and learn the lesson they give you.
  • Well-being: Changes are always favorable to renew energy and do new and different things.
  • Spirituality: It is important to demonstrate your nobility with facts and forget about words.

Five shells

  • Love: You should not feel pressured to make decisions just to please your partner. You need to learn to say no at the right time.
  • Luck: An organization is required in the financial aspect so that its economy remains stable.
  • Well-being: It is necessary to worry more about health and not wait until you feel bad to go to the doctor.
  • Spirituality: Contact with people who can provide you with new knowledge will be important in your life.

Six shells

  • Love: It is necessary to define your feelings, since sometimes you want to be alone, but other times you want to share all the time with your partner. If you continue your indecision, you will have problems in love.
  • Luck: What he lives now is the result of everything he has projected in the past, therefore do not complain about this situation.
  • Well-being: Contact with nature will be very useful. In addition, you should take care of your diet and do some physical activity.
  • Spirituality: It is necessary to seek advice from the elderly since only then can you positively direct your life.

Seven shells

  • Love: If you feel remorse for your actions, it is never too late to make amends.
  • Luck: You won’t know what you’re capable of if you don’t try. To reach the pinnacle of success you need to try harder.
  • Wellness: Understand the signals your body is sending you. If you feel pain or discomfort, you should go to the doctor and prevent diseases. It’s time to think about your well-being.
  • Spirituality: It is time to renew yourself and change some patterns that are stagnating your inner growth.

Eight shells

  • Love: Do not be disappointed if your partner does not follow the same rhythm. Patience is a virtue.
  • Luck: You should refrain, for the time being, from making investments that compromise the family heritage. A little tact doesn’t hurt.
  • Well-being: Serenity is the best counselor when it comes to calming down. It is important to eat healthily.
  • Spirituality: Regardless of your creed, you need to stick to it and abide by the precepts.

Nine shells

  • Love: Overcome problems, intrigues, and gossip with a positive attitude.
  • Luck: During this period creativity is favored, and projects and businesses that will give you high returns are glimpsed.
  • Well-being: The satisfaction of a duty fulfilled will give you the energy to continue helping others.
  • Spirituality: It is necessary to connect with people who can offer you another vision of life.

Ten shells

  • Love: If you are not feeling well emotionally, you do not have to take it out on your partner. More consideration should be given to her.
  • Luck: If you value what you do, it will be easier for you to move through life. It is necessary to accept the advice of your relatives and friends.
  • Wellness: It is important to spend more time with your family and do activities that provide relaxation and healthy recreation.
  • Spirituality: Before criticizing the behavior of others, it is necessary to analyze and correct one’s own mistakes.

After all… what does it mean to dream of a snail?

In general, when you have a Snail dream, it means that you are feeling vulnerable and slow with some aspect of your waking life. It could also be a message that you are isolating yourself too much from the rest of the world. In other words, growth can only be achieved by exposing those parts of you that are vulnerable. Also, when this happens, you can embrace the lessons it offers.

Also, a snail dream can also symbolize the need for patience and perseverance. There is a project you are working on that seems to be taking forever to complete and reach its goal. In this case, the mollusk is letting him know that he can achieve anything. Also, as a result, everything will arrive at the exact time it is supposed to arrive.

If the mollusk in your Snail dream is moving forward, it is a symbol of slow but steady progress in your waking life towards your goals. Seeing one of these creatures hiding in its shell is an indication that you are using an avoidance tactic on an unpleasant task. For whatever reason, there is something you know you have to deal with that you are currently avoiding in your waking life.


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