Astrology, Tarot, Divination, Angel's Message.

Hindu Horoscope 2022: Deepak Ananda’s predictions

We tell you what the Moon predictions hold for you this year. The keys of the Hindu Horoscope 2022 for each sign of the zodiac.

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The new year started quickly and, with it, the possibility of taking part in a new energy cycle full of learning and chances to make our lives a rich experience of growth, happiness, and prosperity. Here, are the keys of the Hindu Horoscope 2022 to better manage what is coming.

Hindu Horoscope 2022

Indian Astrology (Jyotish) is a sacred science with more than 5000 years and its main mission is to serve as a light in our walk through this world. That is why it is fundamentally preventive and indicative.

Based on the theory of karma and reincarnation, the energy analysis for each sign arises from the position of Chandra (the Moon) in the natal chart. Why the moon? Because the moon is the ruler of the mind and, as my teacher in India, Swami Omanandji, taught me, one can have money, love, and health, but if the mind is not under control none of this can be enjoyed; On the other hand, one may not have love or money, and may even have poor health, but if the mind is trained, the person can rebuild his life to get what he does not have.

Knowing the Hindu horoscope 2022 and the lunar sign to which you belong can help you channel the preponderant energy of this year well.

Is the lunar sign different from the western one?

In 95% of cases, the answer is “yes”. But don’t worry, there are no “astrological cracks” here since the idea is to add. Now you can say that you have a sign in “Western” astrology, one in the Chinese Astrology of my dear Ludovica Squirru, another in Mayan, and a new one in Indian Astrology. It all adds up!

Indian astrology is karmic astrology because it studies different positive and negative actions that people did in previous lives and, in this way, knows what virtues to enhance and what defects to work on.

I leave you here some brief orientation predictions and the keys of the Hindu horoscope 2022, and I wish that God and Ganesh bless you with much peace, health, and laughter.

Hindu Horoscope Aries (Mesha)

This will be a year to do a lot of “Ommmmm”, and I would even dare to turn on an “astral alarm” so that you remember to take the year very calmly, patiently, and slowly. Calm, patient, and slow to Aries? I know… mission impossible! But hey, we have nothing to lose by trying.

The main recommendation is about health, and where there should be no room for delay or doubt. Don’t miss medical checkups or make preventive consultations in the face of any discomfort. This can save you a lot of headaches in the future.

As for love, the couple will be another subject in which they will have to put all their wisdom and caution since any small argument can detonate an emotional atomic bomb. Do not exaggerate and, if necessary, count to one hundred before answering or making any decision. Those who are in a stable relationship will think about taking another step in their formalization. Good luck with that!

As for the labor-economic, the Hindu horoscope 2022 anticipates that it will be very positive, especially from the month of May to the month of October. Take advantage of making decisions and starting new activities under this influence, and you will see how everything goes perfectly. The last months of the year will be slower and more conflictive.

It will be a good year to perform family constellations, reiki, regression therapies, as well as the practice of Yoga, taichi, or any alternative therapy that brings relaxation and peace.

  • Karmic work of the year: patience and caution.
  • Lucky color: Yellow.
  • Protection mantra: Om Hanumate Namaha.
  • Annual Affirmation: I open myself to new learning and transform myself positively with it.
  • Gem or stone of protection: Red coral

Taurus Hindu Horoscope (Vrishabha)

Good year for this earthly zodiac sign! You will have Guru (Jupiter) in a large astral mansion, so you can expect financial improvements, promotions, and new projects on the horizon. In particular, it will be an ideal year to work together with friends and family, so if you need to set up a company or micro-enterprise, you now know who to call.

The Hindu horoscope 2022 indicates that, in love, they will have to wait until the second half of the year, when the astral influences will begin to smile on them, especially from August. Of course, avoid platonic crushes… it is a year to put your feet on the ground and build relationships through action.

As for the economy, have a good year! You will have the planet of luck as your astrological guardian, so those who do not have a job do not waste this energy, since there will be no one to stop them. It will be a cycle of growth, and expansion, and laying solid foundations in micro and macro enterprises.

In terms of health, the influences will become more positive from the month of May, especially for those people who have had somewhat complicated months or years. Finding or maintaining a healthy weight will be part of the mission of this new cycle.

  • Karmic work of the year: spirituality – reading of holy books.
  • Lucky color: Green.
  • Protection mantra: Om Guru Namaha.
  • Annual affirmation: I feel deeply free and happy.
  • Gem or protection stone: Opal.

Hindu Horoscope Gemini (Mithuna)

mixed year! This sign comes a little slapped astrally, and those who receive its influences have had a year that did not know gray. In 2022 the keyword will be “order”. They have many doors open and many conflicting thoughts about what they want and do not want to do, so they should take a few days to clarify priorities and plan a way of working. Confusion can be a big obstacle in this new cycle because prevention is better than cure.

In love, remember that sequels were never good, so if an ex comes back, think twice. Those people with bonds already formed seek to spend more quality time and do not allow mistrust to gain ground in the relationship.

Economically, it will be a year of expansion and growth to the extent that they do not want to cover more than they can. With a good agenda, this year can be a before and after in your lives.

In terms of health, it is a year to pay special attention. The excess in food, disorder, and anger will be topics to work on. The practice of Yoga and, particularly, the Yoga mantra will be more than recommended.

  • Karmic work of the year: Acceptance – order.
  • Lucky color: White.
  • Protection mantra: Om Ganesha Namaha.
  • Annual affirmation: I fully enjoy every moment and I am healthy in happiness.
  • Gem or stone of protection: Jade.

Hindu Horoscope Cancer (Karka)

Get to work, little astral crabs! It is a year in which the words “determination” and “constancy” will be key to the final result.

In matters of love, the stars will ask you to avoid living in an emotional seesaw and, above all, do not let yourself be won over by anger, nerves, or get carried away by passions; Otherwise, even those who are in stable relationships can jeopardize their continuity.

As for the economy, as I told you, they will have to work hard and put a lot of will to bring the ship to a good port. Only hard work will give good results. Bad year to make investments.

An important topic to deal with is his health and, especially, the digestive system. It will be necessary for them to improve their diet and, if possible, to start the practice of Yoga to keep their nervous system in line.

  • Karmic work of the year: Perseverance – reinforcing the importance of the other.
  • Lucky color: White or silver.
  • Protection mantra: Om Shivaya Namaha.
  • Annual affirmation: I feel deeply grateful, healthy, and in connection with my Being.
  • Gem or Protection Stone: Moonstone

Hindu Horoscope Leo (Simha)

Good year if you work preventively on it! In 2022, the maximum “one of lime and one of sand” will be constantly present, for which prevention is worth twice as much in your case.

In economics, in general, Leo is a sign that knows how to keep their accounts, but in this new cycle, the stars will ask them to sharpen their pencil and keep both income and expenses in detail so that nothing takes them by surprise. Taking care of money will be a karmically positive action for you since it will allow you to cover unexpected expenses that will arise during the year.

As for love, it is a good cycle to start relationships, as well as to enlarge the family in those already established couples. There will be new lions and lions giving their first roars in 2022.

In terms of health, it is a year of recovery of vitality. Only and as a preventive measure, I encourage you to take care of yourself during the changes of season, especially with colds and flu.

The good deeds of the past will begin to bear fruit in this new cycle.

  • Karmic work of the year: Begin to bring to reality what you long for and dream of. Action.
  • Lucky color: Orange.
  • Mantra of protection: Om Suryaya Namaha.
  • Annual affirmation: I find my inner balance to think, feel and act in happiness.
  • Gem or Protection Stone: Red Jasper

Virgo Hindu Horoscope (Kanya)

A year of many movements awaits you! For people born under this beautiful sign, this year will not go unnoticed at all, as they will surf waves of great change.

In the labor-economic area, growth, which will be difficult during the first months of the year, will slowly show improvements. In any case, due to the astral position, it will be difficult for large expenses not to arise that were not planned or in mind. Be attentive to your finances and, if you can, seek to save when your economy allows it.

As for love, it is a good year for those people who have been alone for a while. The universe, if you commit to expressing and communicating your true feelings, will have pleasant surprises for you. Those more consolidated couples should be especially careful between the months of October and November, in which they will have to appeal to a healthy dialogue and acceptance of differences to emerge victorious from these astral influences.

In terms of health, it is a good year, but they may have to take care of others who will not have the same luck. Keep your prana (vital energy) in an optimal state through walks in the park.

  • Karmic work of the year: Enhance creativity – mind control.
  • Lucky colour: Green.
  • Protection mantra: Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha.
  • Annual affirmation: Every minute my physical, mental and spiritual health grows.
  • Gem or protection stone: Green tourmaline.

Hindu Horoscope Libra (Tula)

A promising year for this beautiful and peaceful sign! The stars, it seems, have decided to side with them if they do their homework as part of their apprenticeship.

In labor-economic matters, they will reap all the good they deserve for the effort put into previous cycles. They will see their projects grow, their businesses expand, and money will not be elusive at all.

It is a great year to go out and look for a job or change it if you are not satisfied since what you want will be more than achieved. As a recommendation, I would tell them to bring all the papers and accounts up to date, since, if there is any difficulty, this will be of enormous help and will allow them to find the solution quickly.

As for love, the work will lie in maintaining family peace, which at certain times of the year can suffer significant ups and downs. Because there are work-related travel influences, moving away from home can also be a source of disagreement that will have to be discussed calmly and patiently. Those without a partner will have the possibility of starting relationships around the end of the year.

Regarding health, I recommend taking care of the respiratory system, in particular through breathing exercises.

  • Karmic work of the year: Balance, the golden mean.
  • Lucky color: Turquoise.
  • Protection mantra: Om Durgaya Namaha.
  • Annual affirmation: I feel vital, happy and deeply loved.
  • Gem or protection stone: White quartz.

Scorpio Hindu Horoscope (Vrischika)

A year with dual energies! As for love, you will have a wonderful astrological guardian, Guru (Jupiter), who for much of the year will be sending you good emanations for success with love relationships.

More than one Scorpio man and woman will start a beautiful adventure if they allow themselves to be surprised and do not plan things so much, while there will be more than a few that the stork decides to visit with beautiful news.

In the labor-economic area, without a doubt, it will be from June-July that the stars will begin to bring you good news. In any case, it is a cycle that will invite you to work hard to see good results, and the intensity of the work will decide the level of success to be achieved.

Concentration and effort will be keywords for 2022. If you don’t have a job, the stars will ask you not to let a day go by without searching and working hard to have better training.

In terms of health, diet care will be essential, as well as going to the doctor in case of any symptoms. Underestimating any pain can be a bad decision this year.

As an astrological remedy, I recommend making donations on Tuesdays, especially during the first months of the year.

  • Karmic work of the year: Communication – empathy.
  • Lucky color: red.
  • Protection mantra: Om Hanumate Namaha.
  • Annual affirmation: I feel in union with each being in that space of love in which we are one.
  • Gem or stone of protection: Red coral

Sagittarius (Dhanu) Hindu Horoscope

Great year for the sign of the archer! I am happy to be able to give you this good news! Both astral giants, Guru (Jupiter) and Shani (Saturn) will be in favorable positions for you, and they promise to bring you great learning and blessings during 2022.

In terms of love, love will flourish in Sagittarius’s life: couples will form, fleeting adventures and impossible loves will be allowed, and they will say “yes” at the altar and “no” to nights alone. You have been warned… a good perfume, and let yourself be loved, even for a little while or for all eternity!

In the labor-economic sphere, it is a cycle to jump without a net, to venture into the impossible, and to give free rein to creativity and change. You have everything to succeed, and only you can limit or spoil that success. You do not have a job? From the 1st of January, leave your CV anywhere your intuition guides you… then tell me!

As for health, you should preventively improve your diet and make sure you practice Yoga at least once a week. A little advice: do not run or do risky physical activities, since accidents will be the order of the day.

  • Karmic work of the year: reconciliation with the past – family harmony.
  • Lucky color: violet.
  • Protection mantra: Om Vishnu Namaha.
  • Annual affirmation: I feel every moment more connected with my creativity and inner magic.
  • Gem or protection stone: Citrine.

Hindu Horoscope Capricorn (Makara)

A year with mixed influences. Capricorn is a sign that has been astrologically slapped for some time, and apparently, 2022 will give it moments of respite and others not so much.

Doing orienting astrology, I tell you that you should mainly take advantage of the first four months of the year. During this period, and especially in matters related to the economy and work, you will enjoy the force of Jupiter in your favor, generating profits and allowing you glimpses of luck.

The months in which you must move with a lead foot in all aspects of life will be the central months of the year. From May to August inclusive, try not to make important decisions and not to invest money.

As for love, those who are in a couple should improve communication and treat each other between cottons; otherwise, family life can become an ordeal.

Until mid-August, your health will benefit, so you will have extra energy to do everything you set out to do. From that month I ask you to be attentive to any ailment and do not forget to visit your doctors for a good check-up.

  • Karmic work of the year: Giving and learning to receive – Introspection.
  • Lucky color: Green.
  • Protection mantra: Om Hanumate Namaha.
  • Annual affirmation: Every day and every moment I cooperate with the healthy purpose of my life.
  • Gem or protection stone: Aquamarine.

Hindu Horoscope Aquarius (Kumbha)

One lime and one sand! This 2022 cycle will present you with very favorable energies for some issues. and others somewhat dark for others. Let’s do preventive astrology, then!

The positive will fall on the economic and labor issues that will be well impacted astrologically during the first half of the year. Try to carry out any job change, company start-up, or micro-enterprise during these first six months of the year and thus ensure a good astral influence.

The second half of the year can find them with interdicts with colleagues and a feeling of discomfort in the workplace

The most negative falls on love relationships, which will need a great effort on your part so that 2022 is not a year of breakups and couple cuts. This particular influence falls more strongly during the first four months of the year; then they will slowly lose strength and see how everything is solved faster.

In terms of health, they should perform aerobic exercises and guided relaxation practices, at least twice a week, since at times they will be on edge with their nerves

  • Karmic Job of the Year: Letting Go and Trusting – Let go of the need to control.
  • Lucky color: Celeste.
  • Protection mantra: Om Hanumate Namaha.
  • Annual affirmation: I feel deeply at peace, happy, and healthy.
  • Gem or protection stone: Aquamarine.

Hindu Horoscope Pisces (Meena)

An astral ring with large planets on both sides of the ring! On the one hand, they will have Jupiter which will be causing them expenses throughout the year, and on the other, the good position of Saturn will be generating good income for them. Here it will be up to you to maintain the balance of these two forces so that economic growth and stability prevail. Keeping good control of the numbers is a wise action that they should commit to.

As for love, the keywords will be “self-control” and “good temper.” Quick anger and lack of patience can be very harmful condiments for relationships, so I recommend using sweet, understanding, and empathic language when dealing with those “small” difficulties that will arise during the year.

For those people who feel that it is time to start a new relationship, do not hesitate! 2022 will present you with beautiful opportunities to love and be loved.

In terms of health, stress management should be a goal, and learning should be completed. methods? There are thousands, but until you try them it will be impossible to know which one is ideal for each one.

  • Karmic work of the year: Empathy – socializing – knowing how to ask for and receive help.
  • Lucky color: White.
  • Mantra of protection: Om Suryaya Namaha.
  • Annual affirmation: I trust myself deeply and every day I become more confident and serene.
  • Gem or Protection Stone: Moonstone.
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