Astrology, Tarot, Divination, Angel's Message.

What does the letter ‘M’ mean in the palm of the hand?

Palm of the hand: What does the "M" on your handstand for? The lines of the hand would reveal four important aspects of your existence: Life, love, intelligence, and destiny. You will not believe the qualities you possess!

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What does the “M” (M latter) on your handstand for? The lines of the hand would reveal four important aspects of your existence: Life, love, intelligence, and destiny. You will not believe the qualities you possess!

Having the M in the palm of your hand has many interpretations and tells us about the past, present, and future of our lives. They can also reveal some particular and brilliant characteristics of people like that they are very intelligent, self-confident and more.

To resolve all these doubts, we talked with the seer Carmen Briceño to delve deeper into the subject and learn the meaning of these curious lines that form an “M” according to palmistry.

What is palmistry? It is the art of palm reading and interpretation of the line and marks present on the palms. The seer assures that through the hands you can analyze every detail and interpret aspects of the personality of people.

What does the letter “M” mean in the hand?

If you look at your hand you will see the letter “M”, made up of four thick and prolonged lines that determine four fundamental aspects of your existence: the line of the heart, of life, of the head and of destiny.

According to the seer, these lines represent the history and personality of people. They are joined, cut, and can tell more than you imagine from the problems you had at birth, the diseases you suffered or will suffer, the decisions in your life, your love relationships, etc.

The love

line The love line is the one that starts under the index or middle finger and crosses the palm to the little finger. This shows the emotional skills, the ability to love and be loved; also the joys and frustrations that surround love relationships.

The Life

Line The This extends around the base of the big toe.

The line has to do with vitality and longevity of life. The deeper and stronger, the more years you would live.

Intelligence line The intelligence

The line starts between the thumb and index finger just above the lifeline. This demonstrates the quality of the intellect and mental system.

This line also has a lot to do with life skills, philosophy, and the way you deal with problems.

The Fate

Line The Fate Line starts in the middle of the palm, near the wrist, and runs up to the base of the middle finger. The stronger and deeper it is, the more your life is controlled by destiny; many changes of direction indicate that your life is often turned by circumstances beyond your control.

What happens if I have the letter “M” very marked?

For Carmen Briceño, people who have the letter “M” very well marked in the palm of their hand are individuals who have very special gifts, since in their past life they may have been historians, scientists, politicians, and more.

Today they can continue with these careers or have some aspects that stand out a lot in their personality.

It is important to highlight that this figure in your hand does not have a different meaning if you are a man or a woman, but rather determines the particular characteristics that you may have and we will explain them to you below.


These people are very intuitive and are usually guided by what their hearts dictate. Likewise, Carmen assures that people who have the letter “M” in the palm of their hand have a developed third eye.

Because of this characteristic, she can feel the energy of other people and they know who to trust, and who wants to lie to them. In addition, as good defenders of the truth, they are cunning enough to always detect it.


These types of people are good for society since they manage to have good human relationships and as vigilantes, they will always be in defense of the truth.

These people are capable of facing many challenges, generating changes, and daring to take risks that will give a total change to their lives.

In what sense are hands read?

For Carmen Briceño, the reading of the hands is not limited to the left or right.

The specialist assures that in the left hand you can see the past lives of people and in the right hand you can predict the present and future.

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