Astrology, Tarot, Divination, Angel's Message.

Palmistry: How to read the lines of the hand (easily)

Palmistry says a lot about you, through the palm of your hand. We teach you how to interpret yours. Palmistry: How to read the lines of the hand (easily)

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Astrology entails much more than revealing to you daily, weekly, or monthly how the astral movements that occur throughout the year will affect you, depending on the zodiac sign you are or the date on which the stars were at the time of your birth —it is said, the birth chart —.

This pseudoscience has more aspects, such as fortune telling, futurology, or numerology, which we have already talked about on previous occasions. Today is the turn to make you a little more expert in the field since we are going to introduce you to palmistry. Or put another way: discover your future in every area of ​​your life (yes, also your love life) just by looking at the lines on the palm of your hand.

What do you need? Your hand, of course, to read it. But not everyone will do: choosing the right or left will depend entirely on whether you are right-handed or left-handed. The hand we use the most is the dominant of the two, a record of the most conscious attitudes. While the other will reflect past events and unconscious needs. Simplifying: the dominant hand reflects the present and the other encompasses the past and future, how we will essentially be throughout our lives.

Palmistry: how to read the lines of the hand

Now that you identify which hand is, you should look at three points: the mount of Venus, the line of life, and the line of love. We explain how to locate each of these positions and the meaning they will have in the prediction:

The amount of venus

It is located at the root of the thumb. It is very easy to distinguish it because it is like a mountain that stands out, delimited by the line of life (which we will now tell you about), which begins between the thumb and the index finger and can extend to the wrist. It has no loss.

It is our first indicator of the energy we possess. This mountain is related (among other things) to the genital organs. If you have a low or flat elevation, impulsiveness in love is not your thing. You channel your decisions through your head first and, how can I say it without sounding too bad, you are a bit selfish. Red flag over here.

If, on the other hand, the mount of Venus appears well developed or you can pinch it easily, it means that you have abundant physical and sexual energy. In your case, sex is one of the ways you best channel that energy. You’re passionate!!

Sometimes, the mound of Venus can be more bulging in the part closest to the finger than to the wrist. If you are in this group, may the emotions be with you! You have a lot of emotional energy, which is a high mental cost for you. Of course, your creative capacity is very high, as is your sense of aesthetics. Very sensitive, yes you are.

The line of life

Reading this, you can see our strength or fragility. So don’t be fooled with a: “it’s short, you’ll die young”. It starts between the drawn L that forms the thumb and forefinger, making a curved path that surrounds the mount of Venus and the big toe, and extends to the wrist.

If the lifeline is long and deep, it reflects that you are a strong and vital person. On the contrary, a short one will indicate that you have a tendency to be more sensitive and emotional. Probably Cancer or Pisces. It will cost you more work to manage situations.

The line of love

It is the telltale test of whether or not you will have luck in the romantic realm. It is located just below and parallels the base of the top four fingers, excluding the thumb. It represents affection, happiness, and emotions. If it is long and does not cut at any time, it indicates that you are faithful and loyal. If, in addition, it is very marked (deep), it indicates luck in love. On the other hand, if the line appears broken, your love life will be difficult and you will have many changes in the affective plane.

There are a few cases, but don’t panic if you don’t have a heart or love line. If directly, under the base of the fingers, there is a large space and there is only the line of the head —which is just the one below— it indicates that in the love arena you are always guided by the mind. Excessively rational.

Good news? Bad? It is better to think that not everything is written and, just as the influences of the stars do not act as a dictatorship in your life, neither does palmistry. As changes occur in our lives, thoughts, emotions… our hands are modified, forming new lines and erasing the old ones.

Although there is a certain set of lines known as majors (heart, head, and life), they are less likely to change. It is around these lines that small secondary strokes appear that record the minor events that we are overcoming. Let it surprise you. Curiosity is always a motivation.


Have you noticed those parallel lines that are between the line of the heart and the base of the little finger? How? What don’t you have?… GAME OVER. Those lines (when they appear), indicate the number of loves that will mark your life. The closer to the little finger they are, the later they will appear in your life.

The left hand

Of course, you will have noticed that your other hand has the same lines under analysis. Well, they represent 20% of the prediction. That is, your dominant hand will be the majority of the future forecast, but to have 100%, you will have to repeat these same steps with the non-dominant one. It is very likely that the strokes of both palms are very similar. There you have your answer!

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